
lent是什么意思 lent在线翻译 lent什么意思 lent的意思 lent的翻译 lent的解释 lent的发音 lent的同义词 lent的反义词 lent的例句 lent的相关词组

lent [lent]  [lɛnt] 


lent 基本解释

动词把…借给( lend的过去式和过去分词 ); 贷(款); 增加; 增添

lent 情景对话



A:I'm sorry, but I can't find the book you lent me.

B:Oh, that's all right.


A:I must apologize. I’ll buy you a new one tomorrow.


B:No, please don’t. I couldn't let you do that.



A:I really like the record you lent me the other day.

B:I’m glad you like it.

A:And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long.

B:Not at all.

A:I’m most grateful. Everyone in our class enjoyed it.


B:I’m glad.

A:Would you mind my keeping it for another week?


B:No problem.

lent 网络解释

1. 四旬期:威尼斯嘉年华的日期每年不尽相同,大致上是以四旬期(Lent)前十天为举办嘉年华的时间. 嘉年华会有整整十天,期间有许多活动,但圣灰星期三的前一天--圣灰瞻礼日(ShroveTuesday)为威尼斯嘉年华的高潮,当天街道、小巷、运河边都充斥着戴着面具狂欢的人们.

2. lent什么意思

2. 大斋节:忏悔星期二(Shove Tuesday)薄饼日(Pancake Day)(基督教节日)圣灰星期三(Ash Wednesday)前夜的基督教节庆日,标志着斋戒和礼拜的节日--大斋节(Lent)的开始.

3. <宗>四旬斋:recoil cylinder 驻退筒 | Lent <宗>四旬斋 | bull rod 钻杆 盘条

lent 词典解释


lent 单语例句

1. The supplementary part can be managed by comprehensive individual accounts and can be lent out on the mortgage and paid back in stages.

2. We lent a huge amount of capital to the United States and of course we're concerned about the security of our assets.

3. He lent the chateau to Prince William and Kate, because it was secluded and they could relax in privacy.

4. The ECB has gifted cheap money to the banks that banks have then lent to governments in Italy and Spain at substantial premiums.

5. Stories such as Romeo and Juliet and The Count of Monte Cristo are popular and have lent their names to cigar brands.

6. CNA said many local people lent money to Liren Group because the company enjoyed a high reputation in Taishun county.

7. The recent fall of international oil prices has lent credence to optimism about China's expectations on eased inflationary pressure.

8. And Chow's absence from the opening session of the Guangdong advisory body's conference has lent credence to their view.

9. Subsequent findings in various sites across Spain lent further credence to the earlier date.

10. That is why China has lent a helping hand to its European partners in times of crisis.

lent 英英释义


1. a period of 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday

    Synonym: Lententide

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