
lesser是什么意思 lesser在线翻译 lesser什么意思 lesser的意思 lesser的翻译 lesser的解释 lesser的发音 lesser的同义词 lesser的反义词 lesser的例句

lesser [ˈlesə(r)]  [ˈlɛsɚ] 

lesser 基本解释

形容词较小的; 较少的; 次要的

lesser 相关例句


1. Don't waste time on these lesser matters.

lesser 网络解释

1. 出租人:资产融资法:以某特定资产产生的现金流来提供资金报酬,租赁(Lease):承租人(lessee)以定期支付租赁金为代价,从出租人(lesser)处取得资产的使用权. 项目资产可作为独立经济单位而存在该项目的经济前景,加上发起人或第三方(如政府或购买合同)的承诺,

2. 较小:它说明那些负面导向的实体们如何尝试去冒充你们的造物主, 为的是控制你们称为犹太民族的人群; 这个民族很早就与许多来自别处(elsewhere)的许多资讯源头建立各种关系, 容我们这么说.然而, 有些较小(lesser)实体从遥远的恒星系统旅行到各式各样的星球,

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 较小的, 更少的, 次要的:laboratory oscillator 实验室振荡器 | lesser 较小的, 更少的, 次要的 | piffling 琐碎的, 不足道的

4. 更少的(地更小的(地):less较少的;较小的 | lesser更少的(地更小的(地) | lessen使小;变小;减少

lesser 词典解释

1. 较少的;较轻的;较小的
    You use lesser in order to indicate that something is smaller in extent, degree, or amount than another thing that has been mentioned.


    e.g. No medication works in isolation but is affected to a greater or lesser extent by many other factors...
    e.g. The more obvious potential allies are Ireland, Denmark and, to a lesser degree, the Netherlands.

2. 次要的;较不重要的
    You can use lesser to refer to something or someone that is less important than other things or people of the same type.

    e.g. They pleaded guilty to lesser charges of criminal damage...
    e.g. He was feared by other, lesser, men.

3. (用在鸟类、哺乳动物、植物等名称中)小
    Lesser is used in the names of some species of birds, animals, and plants.

    e.g. ...the lesser spotted woodpecker.

4. the lesser of two evils -> see evil

lesser 单语例句

1. By contrast, sunscreen use and drinking alcohol appeared correlated with lesser skin damage.

2. The longer the diplomatic friction over the detention of the Chinese trawler captain continues, the lesser the opportunity for Kan to fix the already impaired relations.

3. The group was originally headed by a lesser official in charge of politics and law enforcement in Puyang City.

4. Lee eventually pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of mishandling computer files.

5. Flanagan's client was acquitted and the other nurse pleaded no contest to a lesser charge.

6. A third man pleaded guilty to a lesser charge after prosecutors said they did not have the evidence to convict him of murder.

7. The prosecution accused Lui of murder and earlier rejected his plea to the lesser manslaughter charge.

8. " Check out the number of Chinese companies in the Fortune 500 " list of largest corporations, Lesser said.

9. Although a wee bit noisy at times, patrons can still feel comfortable without the raised voices and kitchen racket of lesser joints.

10. To ease the workload of the judges we suggest some of their lesser administrative duties be farmed out to judicial assistants or court clerks.

lesser 英英释义



1. smaller in size or amount or value

    e.g. the lesser powers of Europe
           the lesser anteater

2. of less size or importance

    e.g. the lesser anteater
           the lesser of two evils

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