
lighting是什么意思 lighting在线翻译 lighting什么意思 lighting的意思 lighting的翻译 lighting的解释 lighting的发音 lighting的同义词

lighting [ˈlaɪtɪŋ]  [ˈlaɪtɪŋ] 

原级:light比较级:lighter最高级:lightest第三人称单数:lights第三人称复数:lights过去分词:lit; lighted过去式:lit; lighted

lighting 基本解释

名词照明,照明设备; 点火; 舞台灯光; 布光,灯光安排

动词照明; 点燃(light的ing形式)

lighting 相关例句


1. lighting是什么意思

1. You can completely change the atmosphere of a room if you change the lighting.

lighting 网络解释

1. lighting在线翻译

1. 灯光:然后导演会就广 告片的处理手法(Shooting Script),选角(Casting),服饰(Styling),道具(Props), 拍摄地点(Location) ,灯光(Lighting),配乐(Music)等与创作人倾谈.待与客户 开过制作会议后,

2. 照明:(8)照明(Lighting). 现代单色CCD摄像头利用自动电子快门(automatic electronic shut-tering)能在全月光(0.11ux)到全日光(1000001ux)范围内正常工作. 它们对座舱宽泛条件变化时的适应能力使得它们成为座舱环境使用的理想选择. 但是,

3. 打光:加速MADD指令执行(Accelerating MADD Computations)叠加乘积(MADD,multiply-add)是计算机进行图形处理时最常用的指令之一,在变换(Transformation)、打光(Lighting)等多种处理中都需要用上,下图演示的Relief Mapping(浮雕纹理映射)特效就是使用MADD指令的典型例子.

4. 照明设备:本页内容提示:来自 美国(USA) 的采购: 照明设备(Lighting) 其他照明设备(Other 的世界买家信息详细资料,敬请查看.

lighting 词典解释

1. 照明;灯光
    The lighting in a place is the way that it is lit, for example by electric lights, by candles, or by windows, or the quality of the light in it.


    e.g. ...the bright fluorescent lighting of the laboratory...
    e.g. The whole room is bathed in soft lighting.

2. (电影、戏剧等的)布光,灯光
    The lighting in a film or play is the use of different electric lights to give a particular effect.

    e.g. Peter Mumford's lighting and David Freeman's direction make a crucial contribution to the success of the staging.

lighting 单语例句

1. So she got a candle from a door keeper, lit it and let it lighting on while going out to wash her clothes.

2. Moody evening lighting illuminates the Canteen's sharp black and white contemporary design, creating an excellent atmosphere for night dining.

3. The liquid crystal display television is also equipped with a unique light sensor capable of adjusting onscreen visuals to compensate for actual room lighting conditions.

4. The cauldron lighting remains the biggest secret of the ceremony as director Chen refused to mention a single word about it.

5. The torch relay will conclude in Guangzhou with the lighting of the Asian Games cauldron during the opening ceremony on November 12.

6. It concluded with the lighting of a cauldron at the Qilu Software Park by Olympic diving champions Guo Jingjing and Wang Feng.

7. It was built in a cave in the mountains, without electricity or lighting.

8. Most of them are involved in midstream businesses - such as encapsulation - or at the low end of the industry chain in lighting applications.

9. The hotel will turn off lighting in various areas, including the crystal chandelier in its lobby.

10. Witnesses described chaotic scenes of people rushing for the doors, their vision blurred by thick smoke that blocked out emergency lighting.


lighting 英英释义


1. the act of setting something on fire

    Synonym: ignitionfiringkindlinginflammation

2. the craft of providing artificial light

    e.g. an interior decorator must understand lighting

3. apparatus for supplying artificial light effects for the stage or a film

4. having abundant light or illumination

    e.g. they played as long as it was light
           as long as the lighting was good

    Synonym: light

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