
limbo是什么意思 limbo在线翻译 limbo什么意思 limbo的意思 limbo的翻译 limbo的解释 limbo的发音 limbo的同义词 limbo的反义词 limbo的例句

limbo [ˈlɪmbəʊ]  [ˈlɪmboʊ] 


limbo 基本解释

名词监狱; [宗]地狱的外缘; 不稳定,中间状态; 林波舞(西印度群岛的一种舞)


limbo 网络解释

1. 地狱边境:<<地狱边境>>(Limbo)是由Mads Wibroe单独制作的一款优秀的独立游戏,该游戏获得了[IGF2010]第12届独立游戏节的最佳视觉艺术奖和技术杰出奖. 此游戏画面风格很另类,让人联想到中国早期的那些水墨风格动...

2. 地狱的边境, 监狱:my family 我家 | limbo 地狱的边境, 监狱 | echo box 回波谐振器, 回波箱

limbo 词典解释

1. 不确定的状态
    If you say that someone or something is in limbo, you mean that they are in a situation where they seem to be caught between two stages and it is unclear what will happen next.


    e.g. I didn't know whether my family was alive or dead. I felt as if I was in limbo...
    e.g. The negotiations have been in limbo since mid-December.

2. 林波舞(西印度群岛的一种舞蹈,舞者需后仰,从离地越来越近的杆下通过)
    The limbo is a West Indian dance in which you have to pass under a low bar while leaning backwards. The bar is moved nearer to the floor each time you go under it.

limbo 单语例句

1. The Caspian's offshore borders have been in limbo since the 1991 Soviet collapse.

2. A veto on the third resolution could have been politically damaging because a veto would have left the prosecution of war crimes suspects in limbo.

3. After the eviction deadline passed, the status of the camp had remained in limbo.

4. But developers overreached themselves and ran out of financial resources, leaving the displaced in a limbo of temporary rented housing.

5. Since then it has been in limbo, and Obama has not publicly offered specifics to help lawmakers move forward.

6. About 75 percent of the world's books are estimated to be in this state of limbo.

7. Legal maneuvering may push the case into the kind of judicial limbo that has seen many past cases involving Italian politicians run into the sand.

8. NICOSIA - An eerie silence lingers over Varosha, an abandoned Greek Cypriot neighborhood left in beachfront limbo since war split the Mediterranean island.

9. But an appeals court halted the order, and they have been in legal limbo ever since.

10. Take Ning Hao's No Man's Land, still in limbo after several years.

limbo 英英释义


1. (theology) in Roman Catholicism, the place of unbaptized but innocent or righteous souls (such as infants and virtuous individuals)

2. an imaginary place for lost or neglected things

3. the state of being disregarded or forgotten

    Synonym: oblivion

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