
limiting是什么意思 limiting在线翻译 limiting什么意思 limiting的意思 limiting的翻译 limiting的解释 limiting的发音 limiting的同义词

limiting [ˈlɪmɪtɪŋ]  [ˈlɪmɪtɪŋ] 


limiting 基本解释



limiting 网络解释

1. 极限:这叫做极限(limiting). 输出(output)参数提高增益可以抵消掉由于动态范围约束而产生的较低的电平. 释放(release)参数意味着当输入信号在恢复到阀值范围内时,要通过多长的时间才能够让压限器回到正常的状态. 在较短释放时间的情况下,

2. 限制:[摘要]...限制(LIMITING)、和制作(MODELING)等避免输入音源过大而负荷不了...摄像机,监视器,非线编辑系统...

3. 限幅:SFP+模块还有个特别之处,即它有两个变型,分别是限幅(limiting)和线性(linear). 限幅型有一个限幅放大器,用于复原信号眼图的幅度. 线性SFP+模块不需要限幅放大器. 它们将进入光信号的一个模拟表述发给主机,

4. 极限的,限定的:limiter 限制器 | limiting 极限的,限定的 | limiting clearance 极限间隙

limiting 单语例句

1. Since all companies to varying degrees affect a building's quiet and cleanliness, businesses should discipline themselves by limiting business hours and noise.

2. By contrast, the European Union has strict laws limiting GM crops.

3. The panda base officials aren't limiting their search to China by the way, they want to make it a global competition.

4. China's cabinet said last week it will expand measures to rein in residential prices in smaller cities after limiting home purchases in metropolitan areas.

5. The three should also bring down protective barriers limiting the flow of goods, people and capital.

6. A capital shortage would cut into the bank's earnings by limiting loan growth and reducing interest income.

7. There are signs the Americans are starting to get serious about climate change, but it is unlikely that concrete measures limiting carbon dioxide emissions will be agreed on.

8. A new rule starts today, limiting passengers to carrying no more than 1 liter of liquid in their hand luggage.

9. The opportunity was sweetened when Republicans waived a rule limiting his chairmanship to six years.

10. Limiting the accents to one hue makes a room instantly more cohesive.


limiting 英英释义



1. the grammatical relation that exists when a word qualifies the meaning of the phrase

    Synonym: modificationqualifying


1. restricting the scope or freedom of action

    Synonym: confiningconstrainingconstrictiverestricting

2. strictly limiting the reference of a modified word or phrase

    e.g. the restrictive clause in `Each made a list of the books that had influenced him' limits the books on the list to only those particular ones defined by the clause

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