
lineman是什么意思 lineman在线翻译 lineman什么意思 lineman的意思 lineman的翻译 lineman的解释 lineman的发音 lineman的同义词 lineman的反义词

lineman [ˈlaɪnmən]  [ˈlaɪnmən] 


lineman 基本解释


lineman 相关例句


1. A lineman is trying to repair the damaged pylon.

2. Our linemen played well.

lineman 网络解释

1. 巡边员:defender, back guard 后卫 | lineman 巡边员 | spectator 观众

2. 巡边员,边裁阿:assistant助理裁判v | lineman 巡边员,边裁阿 | final whistle 终场哨声

3. 线路工人:linearizing circuit 线性化电路 | lineman 线路工人 | lineman climbers 线路工脚扣

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. 卫线动员:lie on the ball 卧压球 | lineman 卫线动员 | line out 界外球

lineman 双语例句

1. With his left knee sporting a tape job perfected on NFL lineman and with his left ankle supported by a rigid brace, Kwame Brown played for the first time in 20 games Friday.

2. lineman的翻译

2. An even more physically astounding feat than the shot, frankly, was how quickly hefty Magic Johnson had his offensive lineman's girth up out of his courtside seat to celebrate Bryant's shot.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. The Rottweiler, who is slower and stronger, in this analogy would be equivalent to our lineman.

4. We were in lineman school together.

5. The best defensive lineman Notre Dame's produced in the last 20 years.

6. What effect does this have no the friction force between the opposing lineman`s feet and the ground?

7. lineman的翻译

7. Made in the USA, the Powerline is a true lineman`s cold weather work boot.

8. He has the potential to be a premiere defensive lineman, constantly controlling the line of scrimmage.

9. A telephone lineman on his crane hears it as a clattering clank of metal, like a clumsy heist at Home Depot;

10. lineman的反义词

10. The reader is tempted to ask how this crew-cut, ex-star offensive lineman from Dartmouth College came to hold the same high office as Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the US Treasury.

11. A lineman is trying to repair the damaged pylon.

12. The lineman was severely burned by the live wire.

13. lineman的翻译

13. (football) a play in which a defensive player is allowed to cross the line of scrimmage and then blocked off as the runner goes through the place the lineman vacated.

14. Wichita Lineman 歌手:Glen Campbell i am a lineman for the county and i drive the main road searchin'in the sun for another overload i hear you singin'in the wire, i can hear you through the whine and the wichita lineman is still on the line i know i need a small vacation but it don't look like rain and if it snows that stretch down south won't ever stand the strain and i need you more than want you, and i want you for all time and the wichita lineman is still on the line and i need you more than want you, and i want you for all time and the wichita lineman is still on the line
      我是一个县和i线员驾驶的主要道路 searchin在阳光'再超载我听说你在雨中线',我可以听到你通过哀鸣线务员的威奇托仍然是上线我知道我需要一个小假期但它看上去并不象雨如果它下雪的拉伸南下,就不会承受压力和我需要你多想你,我要为你的所有时间线务员的威奇托仍然是上线和我需要你多想你,我要为你的所有时间线务员的威奇托仍然是上线

lineman 单语例句

1. The Patriots also signed cornerback Mike Richardson from the practice squad while releasing offensive lineman Dan Connolly.

2. " I lied under oath, " the beefy former college lineman said in court Thursday.

3. Arenas'knee bent the wrong way, much like that of a quarterback who has been hit low by a rushing lineman.

lineman 英英释义



1. (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed on the line of scrimmage

2. a person who installs or repairs electrical or telephone lines

    Synonym: electricianlinesman

3. one of the players on the line of scrimmage

4. the surveyor who marks positions with a range pole

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