
liner是什么意思 liner在线翻译 liner什么意思 liner的意思 liner的翻译 liner的解释 liner的发音 liner的同义词 liner的反义词 liner的例句

liner [ˈlaɪnə(r)]  [ˈlaɪnɚ] 


liner 基本解释

名词衬里; 班轮,班机; 衬垫,衬套; 画线者

liner 网络解释

1. 衬套:再与水份或水汽结合成硫酸,在露点(130-160oC左右)以下侵蚀金属. 如特殊情况下,出现在气缸衬套(liner)内壁上或节热蒸汽盘管上. 露点视燃油含硫量及缸内含氧量而定,如图11所示. 一般设计(如节热器)时腐蚀设定在175oC. 可利用下列材料,

2. 榇:410一般均用来制作折刀的内榇(LINER),可以提供刀柄整体的强度与刚性,例如蝴蝶牌(BENCEMADE)的轴锁式折刀(AXIS LOCK)便是采用410来作为刀柄的内榇. 注:部分的刀店会将不锈钢说成钛合金,你可以用磁铁来吸吸看,钛合金不具磁性.

3. 衬垫:本发明之目的系在于防止由锚碇(anchor)一体型衬垫(liner)的空洞部所发生的异常音,同时在将衬垫部固定于锚碇轴部时使安装更为容易. 为达到上述目的之本发明的锚碇一体型衬垫10,其是由锚碇轴部12与衬垫部14一体成型设置,

liner 词典解释

1. (尤指度假时乘坐的)邮轮,客轮
    A liner is a large ship in which people travel long distances, especially on holiday.

    e.g. ...luxury ocean liners.
    e.g. ...the cruise liner, the QE2.

liner 单语例句


1. Each CD will come with replicated original album art and original and newly written liner notes and rare photos.

2. Economic development at the expense of the environment is like grabbing a good seat in the cinema of a sinking luxury liner.

3. A luxury ocean liner capsizes from a colossal tidal wave and passengers must fend for themselves to find a way out.

4. Furthermore the first container liner in accordance with international standard in China has opened from Xiamen to Shanghai.

5. Local leaders say that the cruise liner will be an essential tool for driving the development of the city's tourism industry.

6. The luxury cruise liner ran aground on Friday night just off the Italian coast.

7. As a small flotilla of boats turned out to watch the giant liner pull away, passengers lining the ship's balconies waved Union Jack flags and threw streamers.

8. SHANGHAI - Wenzhou's businessmen have made a foray into the ocean tourism industry by acquiring a luxury cruise liner.

9. It features subtle gold shades on eyes with a deep liner and spun gold lips with a bit of shimmer.

10. The shoe has fewer seams for irritation and a thicker sock liner for comfort.

liner 英英释义



1. (baseball) a hit that flies straight out from the batter

    e.g. the batter hit a liner to the shortstop

    Synonym: line drive

2. a large commercial ship (especially one that carries passengers on a regular schedule)

    Synonym: ocean liner

3. a piece of cloth that is used as the inside surface of a garment

    Synonym: lining

4. a protective covering that protects an inside surface

    Synonym: lining

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