
listen to是什么意思 listen to在线翻译 listen to什么意思 listen to的意思 listen to的翻译 listen to的解释 listen to的发音 listen to的同义词

listen to [ˈlisn tu:]  [ˈlɪsən tu] 

listen to 基本解释

听取; 听从; 听…(讲话); 依

listen to什么意思

listen to 情景对话

Two - word Verbs-(成语动词)

A:Hi, Mary, how are you doing?

B:Fine. What happended to you yesterday? I didn't see you in class.

A:Oh, I overslept as usual. What went on anyway?


B:We heard about two-word verbs.

A:What's a two-word verb?


B:Things like drop in, go over, get out, fill up. Listen to these two sentences: citation will run in the third race tomorrow; Mr.Lee will run in to see you tomorrow. Can you tell which run in is the two-word verb?
      像drop in, go over, get out, fill up这些词。听听下面这两句话:Citation will run in the third race tomorrow; Mr。Lee will run in to see you tomorrow。 这两句中都有run in,你能说出哪一个是成语动词吗?

Traffic Jam-(交通堵塞)

B:Oh, damn. There’s another traffic jam on the highway.

listen to什么意思

A:How can there be a traffic jam on a 16-lane highway every day?

B:There are just too many people, and too many cars.

listen to的反义词

A:I wonder if there was an accident.

B:No, they just said it too many people were trying to get off at the Capitol exits.

A:Well, let’s put on some music. We’re going to be stuck in this for a while.


B:All right, what do you want to listen to?

listen to的反义词

A:How about some Beatles?


B:Yeah, all right.


listen to是什么意思

A:Now, what seems to be the trouble?

B:It’s nothing serious. But I always have a headache, and I haven’t slept properly for several weeks. I’ve also lost appetite and my eyes are burning.

listen to的翻译

A:Mm, you do look rather pale. Let me take your temperature. Would you put the thermometer under your arm. Please? Now, let me listen to your pulse. Mm, do you feel weak?

listen to

B:Yes, I never seem to have any energy.


A:I’ll give you a blood test. Would you roll up your sleeve? Just as I thought. You’re anemic. You’d better pay more attention to your diet. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and food high in protein. And don’t’ stay up late working. Try to get more rest.

B:Thank you.

listen to 网络解释

1. listen to什么意思

1. 听:其次,用LSCIA模型处理客户投诉: (1)倾听(Listen to) 当客户提出异议及发映产品及问题时,我们首先要学会倾听,收集数据,作好必要的记录. 然后,要弄清问题的本质及事实. 切记不要打断对方的谈话. 倾听的行为方式有点头、手势、微笑、记录等.

2. listen to什么意思

2. 倾听:(1)倾听(Listen to) 当客户提出异议及发映产品及问题时,我们首先要学会倾听,收集数据,作好必要的记录. 然后,要弄清问题的本质及事实. 切记不要打断对方的谈话. 倾听的行为方式有点头、手势、微笑、记录等. 在倾听的过程中不妨多运用提问的技巧,

3. 听,倾听:listen into 收听;监听;偷听 . | listen to 听,倾听 . | a little 一些,少许;一点儿 .

4. 听......(讲话):line up 整队; 排成行 | listen to 听......(讲话) | live on 靠......为生

listen to 单语例句

listen to是什么意思

1. You listen to music made by yourself when you enter the bar.

2. When she was awake, she would listen for sounds and call out to anything she heard.

3. Smart machines will also soon be able to listen to the environment and highlight the sounds we care about most.

4. But the local officials ultimately corrected their mistake and chose the right path after refusing to listen to the local residents'grievances initially.

5. Many analysts questioned whether the fighters would listen to the cleric and said they doubted the deal would stop violence.

6. Lee noted that in other common law jurisdictions which have such laws, judges and commissioners do not listen to the materials.

7. It's important for the woman to listen and help her boyfriend improve his communicative abilities.

8. This is unprecedented in the history of the country's administrative regulation legislation and shows legislators desire to listen to the public.

9. He said people should not just listen to what these congressmen say but they should pay attention to their actions.

10. The biggest goal of Ye's survey is to raise awareness of society's needs and to listen to the farmers'opinions while constructing the new countryside.

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