
loaf是什么意思 loaf在线翻译 loaf什么意思 loaf的意思 loaf的翻译 loaf的解释 loaf的发音 loaf的同义词 loaf的反义词 loaf的例句 loaf的相关词组

loaf [ləʊf]  [loʊf] 


loaf 基本解释


动词游荡; 游手好闲

loaf 相关词组

1. on the loaf : 在闲逛着;

loaf 相关例句


1. Don't loaf away your time.


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. He loafed around for two years.

2. Don't loaf; please get the job done.


1. loaf

1. He asked for a loaf of bread.

2. loaf的反义词

2. Half a loaf is better than no bread.

loaf 网络解释

1. 一条(面包):小偷(thief)的妻子(wife)用一条面包(loaf)做诱惑,半片(half)树叶(leaf)做掩护,从书架(shelf)上拿了一把刀(knife),杀死了一只狼(wolf). 在词汇教学中,英语教师往往把词汇分成两大类:一是可以借助语法规则进行自由组合的单词;

2. 面包:美味蟹肉菠菜奶酪沾酱常见於洋人的宴飨的餐桌上,通常会将一个大的圆面包(Loaf)掏空成一个大面包碗,再将做好的蟹肉菠菜酱盛在大面包碗(Bread bowl)里面,旁边围绕放置著掏出的面包和各式各样的生菜,以面包、生菜配著口味迷人的蟹肉菠菜奶酪酱享用,

3. (一块)面包:有经验的老师在讲授这种英语名词复数形式的特例时,会编一个有趣的小故事把这些互不相关的小块 串联成一个更大的组块,以方便学生记忆:小偷(thief)的妻子(wife)用一块面包(loaf)做诱饵,半片(half)树叶(leaf)做掩护,

4. (长条)面包:bun 小圆面包 | loaf (长条)面包 | jam 果酱

loaf 词典解释

The plural form of the noun is loaves. Loafs is the third person singular present tense of the verb. 名词复数为loaves。loafs为动词的第三人称单数现在式。

1. 一条(面包)
    A loaf of bread is bread which has been shaped and baked in one piece. It is usually large enough for more than one person and can be cut into slices.

    e.g. ...a loaf of crusty bread.
    e.g. ...freshly baked loaves.

2. 游荡;闲逛;虚掷光阴
    If you loaf, you stand or wait in a place, not doing anything interesting or useful.


    e.g. Soldiers loafed at street corners.

loaf 单语例句

1. Prepare loaf pan by buttering and papering with a double thickness of parchment paper.

2. The young man didn't want to loaf around, so he dusted the piles of ceramics displayed outside the shop.

3. Carefully remove from the oven and cool in the loaf pan, then wrap well and refrigerate for at least 24 hours before serving.

4. The stones are the size of a bread loaf but unusual in shape.

5. People were shipped to Australia for even stealing a loaf of bread.

6. Half a loaf is better than none means that getting part of what you want is better than getting nothing at all.

7. It goes together quickly, but the ingredients need to stay inside the loaf for at least an hour.

8. I divided the dough into half, and shaped it up to put into a loaf tin.

9. " He's not been willing to take half a loaf, " said a senior administration official.

10. A subsidized loaf of typical Egyptian flat bread sells for about 1 US cent apiece, but sells for five times that much to restaurant owners.

loaf 英英释义


1. a quantity of food (other than bread) formed in a particular shape

    e.g. meat loaf
           sugar loaf
           a loaf of cheese

2. a shaped mass of baked bread that is usually sliced before eating

    Synonym: loaf of bread



1. be about

    e.g. The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square
           Who is this man that is hanging around the department?

    Synonym: loiterloungefootlelollygaglallygaghang aroundmess abouttarrylingerlurkmill aboutmill around

2. be lazy or idle

    e.g. Her son is just bumming around all day

    Synonym: bumbum aroundbum aboutarse aroundarse aboutfuck offfrig aroundwaste one's timelounge aroundlollloll aroundlounge about

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