
lob是什么意思 lob在线翻译 lob什么意思 lob的意思 lob的翻译 lob的解释 lob的发音 lob的同义词 lob的反义词 lob的例句 lob的相关词组

lob [lɒb]  [lɑ:b] 


lob 基本解释

及物动词吊高球; 打缓慢的球

不及物动词抛高球; 蹒跚地走

名词高球; <英>笨重的人


lob 相关例句


1. He just lobbed in town.

lob 网络解释

1. lob是什么意思

1. 吊高球:4.0可靠的击球动作,包括控制中速度的正,反拍方向,也有能力打好吊高球(lob),头上的高球(overhead),击球上网(approach shot)和截击(volley). 偶尔能以发球迫使对方失误,对抽(rally)可能因耐心不足而失分,双打搭档有明显的合作意识.

2. 高球:吊高球(Lob)球以高弹道飞行大段距离至洞口,着地后很快便停止. 木杆因杆头是木头制成而名,但现今已有许多铝或钛合金做成的杆头上市,其优点是击球甜点广、距离远且稳定性佳,但传统木杆仍然有人爱用. 铁杆可分为锻造及铸造两种,

3. 高吊球:前场运动员练习的是正反手直线长球(straight drive)和高吊球(lob),要求――把球回到后场角落. 后场运动员练习的是正反手直线吊球(drop)和折线球(boast),要求――把球回到前场角落. 两个人的打球套路可以预先定好.

4. lob的翻译

4. 放高球:非配额产品 quota-free products | 放高球 lob | 锋利扣杀 razor-sharp smash

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. lob:left outside backward edge; 左脚向后外刃

6. lob:large object of binary; 二进制大对象

7. lob:left on base; 残垒

8. lob:line of business; 从每条业务线

lob 词典解释

1. (向高空)投,掷,扔
    If you lob something, you throw it so that it goes quite high in the air.


    e.g. Enemy forces lobbed a series of artillery shells onto the city...
    e.g. A group of protesters gathered outside, chanting and lobbing firebombs.

2. 把(球)挑(或吊)高
    In sport, if you lob the ball, you hit or kick it high into the air so that it lands behind your opponent.

    e.g. Brown lobbed the ball over the Australian goalkeeper.

lob 单语例句


1. The show has recently featured skits in which actors portraying reporters lob softball questions at an Obama impersonator and hardball ones at a Clinton character.

2. His legs sure looked fresh went he flew to the rim and shoveled in a lob pass with one hand while being fouled from behind.

3. The object of the game is to lob, spike or bounce a ping pong ball into one of the opposing team's cups.

4. You just put the book in that woman's hand and she's gonna lob it at you like a grenade.

5. Palestinian militants have attacked Jewish settlements with mortar fire and continued to lob homemade rockets from northern Gaza into southern Israel.

6. Hewitt broke Roddick in the sixth game of the first set with a lob winner.

7. Li's best opportunity of taking a set came in the next game when a missed lob by Clijsters gave the Chinese player set point.

8. Micoud ended a quick Bremen move by sidefooting the ball over Kahn with a perfect lob.

9. He broke serve in the fourth and eighth games, taking the first set with a delicate lob.

lob 英英释义



1. the act of propelling something (as a ball or shell etc.) in a high arc

2. an easy return of a tennis ball in a high arc


1. propel in a high arc

    e.g. lob the tennis ball

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