
lobby是什么意思 lobby在线翻译 lobby什么意思 lobby的意思 lobby的翻译 lobby的解释 lobby的发音 lobby的同义词 lobby的反义词 lobby的例句

lobby [ˈlɒbi]  [ˈlɑ:bi] 


lobby 基本解释

名词休息室; 游说团; 门厅,大厅; 投票厅


及物动词对…进行游说; 陈情(试图努力影响某人采取有利行动)

lobby 相关例句


1. We lobbied the members of parliament.


1. They lobbied on the environmental protection issue.


1. I met him in a hotel lobby last Monday.

lobby 网络解释

1. 走廊:由于说客不是国会和政府部门的正式成员,他们通常不能进入会议室和议事大厅,只能在国会和政府大楼的走廊上活动,因此走廊(lobby)这个单词就成了游说活动的英文名,从事游说活动的人士也因此被称为lobbist.

2. lobby的意思

2. 大堂:一、大堂 大堂(Lobby)是客人办理住宿登记手续、休息、会客和结账的地方,是客人进店后首先接触到的公共场所. 大堂必须以其宽敞的空间、华丽的装潢,创造出一种能有效感染客人的气氛,以便给客人留下美好的第一印象和难忘的最后印象.

lobby 词典解释

1. 向(政府官员、委员会委员等)进行游说(或疏通)
    If you lobby someone such as a member of a government or council, you try to persuade them that a particular law should be changed or that a particular thing should be done.


    e.g. Carers from all over the UK lobbied Parliament last week to demand a better financial deal...
    e.g. Gun control advocates are lobbying hard for new laws...

The aid was frozen in June after intense lobbying by conservative Republicans.

2. 游说团体;活动集团
    A lobby is a group of people who represent a particular organization or campaign, and try to persuade a government or council to help or support them.


    e.g. Agricultural interests are some of the most powerful lobbies in Washington...
    e.g. He set up this lobby of independent producers.

3. (旅馆等大型建筑的)门厅,大厅,大堂
    In a hotel or other large building, the lobby is the area near the entrance that usually has corridors and staircases leading off it.


    e.g. I met her in the lobby of the museum.

lobby 单语例句

1. The panel cleared the budget several hours after Obama visited Capitol Hill to personally lobby for his proposals.

2. The lobby will be transformed into a challenging obstacle course through which contestants will navigate their way while tossing a freshly made pancake.

3. The hotel will turn off lighting in various areas, including the crystal chandelier in its lobby.

4. China World Hotel's Lobby Lounge offers a selection of its best signature Chinese teas.

5. Guests can bring their donations to the hotel and put them under the Christmas tree in the lobby.

6. Until last April, he was registered to lobby on behalf of the Civil Justice Reform Group.

7. A small lobby outside the classroom allows the students'parents to take a rest and chat while waiting for their kids.

8. Olmert arrived in Beijing on Tuesday aiming to lobby China to close ranks with Western powers against Iran's nuclear programme.

9. Downstairs in the lobby there were at least six cops with walkie talkies and a plain clothed security guard running the show.

10. The hotel will host a cocktail party in the lobby lounge at 8 pm.


lobby 英英释义



1. a large entrance or reception room or area

    Synonym: anteroomantechamberentrance hallhallfoyervestibule

2. a group of people who try actively to influence legislation

    Synonym: pressure groupthird house

3. the people who support some common cause or business or principle or sectional interest


1. detain in conversation by or as if by holding on to the outer garments of
    as for political or economic favors

    Synonym: buttonhole

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