
lotion是什么意思 lotion在线翻译 lotion什么意思 lotion的意思 lotion的翻译 lotion的解释 lotion的发音 lotion的同义词 lotion的反义词 lotion的例句

lotion [ˈləʊʃn]  [ˈloʊʃn] 


lotion 基本解释

名词洗液,洗剂; 护肤液,乳液

lotion 相关例句


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. Put this lotion on the insect bites to stop them hurting.

lotion 网络解释

1. 露:强生婴儿润肤露(lotion),采用非洲酪脂(shea)和可可油(cocoa),444ml,可保持皮肤滋润24小时. 售价都是3.27美元. 旁边的一种,牌子没有它名气响,1.94美元. 费雪牌(FisherPrice)宝宝自动摇椅,带音乐装置,可折叠. 售价:66.50美元.

2. 乳液:睡眠时油脂分泌加剧 由于睡眠时皮肤新陈代射加快,油性皮肤者亦会因此而多分泌油脂. 睡眠前宜选质地清爽,以保湿为主的凝胶状乳霜(Gel Cream) 或 乳液(Lotion)代替晚霜,或以保湿粉末或珍珠粉协助控油.

3. 水:我一直用LA PRAIRIE 的柔肤水(LOTION)实在是好用啊......没用过比它更舒服的了,夏天可以连CREAM都省了的.我一直用LA PRAIRIE 的柔肤水(LOTION)实在是好用啊......没用过比它更舒服的了,夏天可以连CREAM都省了的.

lotion 词典解释

1. 护肤液;洁肤乳;发乳
    A lotion is a liquid that you use to clean, improve, or protect your skin or hair.


    e.g. ...suntan lotion.
    e.g. ...cleansing lotions.

lotion 单语例句

1. Labels for the Creme de Corps lotion by Kiehl's feature reproductions of an artwork by Kenny Scharf.

2. The line also includes body lotion, hair and body wash and deodorant.

3. There is everything from whitening sun tan lotion to magical creams and face masks, but none more obvious or annoying than the umbrella.

4. The institute also advises applying sunscreen lotion liberally as the most effective way of achieving the desired level of protection.

5. But remember to slap some sun block lotion before stepping into the sun, or risk having hot and lobster red skin.

6. If you are allergic to these ointments, use a moisture lotion.

7. On goes the skin care lotion, on goes the sunscreen and fragrant oils to keep her skin pearly white.

8. Soaking up the sun's rays with only her bathing suit and some sunblock lotion to cover her.

9. Arguments about cream and lotion have been a mainstay in our relationship for the past four years.

10. Don't forget to take suntan lotion and a good book when heading to the beach.

lotion 英英释义


1. any of various cosmetic preparations that are applied to the skin

2. liquid preparation having a soothing or antiseptic or medicinal action when applied to the skin

    e.g. a lotion for dry skin

    Synonym: application

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