
louvre是什么意思 louvre在线翻译 louvre什么意思 louvre的意思 louvre的翻译 louvre的解释 louvre的发音 louvre的同义词 louvre的反义词 louvre的例句

louvre [ˈlu:və(r)] [lu:vr,ˈlu:və] 


louvre 基本解释


名词百叶窗(板); (侧面有通风口的)圆顶天窗; 活百叶档板

louvre 网络解释

1. 罗浮宫:在巴黎旅游的时候,你至少都要参观3个最著名的地方:罗浮宫(Louvre)--世界上最令人印象深刻,为世界所知的博物馆;然后就是登上埃菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower)和巴黎圣母院(Notre Dame Cathedral).

2. 卢浮宫:卢浮宫(Louvre)博物馆(0.7公里) - 卢浮宫(Louvre)博物馆是全世界最多人参观、最古老、最大和最著名的画廊及博物馆之一. 它也是巴黎最多人参观的纪念建筑. 这座建筑以前曾经是一座皇家宫殿、以收藏世界上最享有声望的艺术作品而闻名,

3. [法国巴黎] 卢浮宫:法国.巴黎卢浮宫(Louvre)是个充斥着<<达芬奇密码>><<卢浮魅影>>脚印的宫殿. 在这个多年来存放存王室的档案和珍宝的地方,无数的王侯贵族血溅人亡. 蒙娜丽莎在这里绽放出脸上神秘的微笑,维纳斯暗暗张望. 玻璃金字塔四通宫殿的各个展室这个神秘的殿堂,

4. 通风疏格;百叶窗板;疏格:lorry mounted diesel crane 车载式柴油起重机 | louvre 通风疏格;百叶窗板;疏格 | Lovibond tintometer 罗维保德色调计

louvre 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用 louver

1. 百叶门;百叶窗
    A louvre is a door or window with narrow, flat, sloping pieces of wood or glass across its frame.

louvre 单语例句

1. Hawass's list of most cherished treasures includes another piece held by the Louvre, the painted ceiling of the Dendera temple showing the Zodiac.

2. Most recently, she exhibited at the art fair in Paris'Carousel du Louvre last year.

3. Also on show is Wildflowers and Roses, which won Shi the Carrousel du Louvre Salon 2010's special prize.

4. In reality it was the aftermath of the boom generated by the Plaza and Louvre agreements designed to generate consumption of US products in Japan.

5. It was inspired by those of King Philippe Auguste of France, who built the edifice that evolved into the Louvre museum in Paris.

6. Eighteen sculptures from the collection of the Muse du Louvre are expected to arrive in Beijing and be open for public viewing next month.

7. Napoleon et le Louvre exhibition in Beijing traces Napoleon's political, artistic and military career.

8. The Louvre captures the collective genius of the human species, but it is a genius that long struggled to overcome artistic rules and regulations.

9. On show are several drafts and a paperboard relief of Louvre and Tuileries in 1948, which offer a glimpse into how Louvre's space was enlarged.

10. The last act of vandalism in the Louvre came in 1998 when a mathematics professor attacked a statue of Roman philosopher Seneca with a hammer.

louvre 英英释义


1. one of a set of parallel slats in a door or window to admit air and reject rain

    Synonym: louverfin

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