
lurid是什么意思 lurid在线翻译 lurid什么意思 lurid的意思 lurid的翻译 lurid的解释 lurid的发音 lurid的同义词 lurid的反义词 lurid的例句

lurid [ˈlʊərɪd]  [ˈlʊrɪd] 

lurid 基本解释

形容词可怕的; 苍白的; 血红的

lurid 相关例句


1. The papers gave the lurid details of the murder.

lurid 网络解释

1. 苍白的:lure 引诱 | lurid 苍白的 | lurk 潜伏

2. 苍白的,阴惨的,血红的:Setback 挫折,顿挫,退步 | Lurid 苍白的,阴惨的,血红的 | Parched 烤干的,炙热的

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 耀眼的;骇人听闻的:lucid 表达清楚的,明白易懂的 | lurid 耀眼的;骇人听闻的 | lush 繁茂的,茂盛的

4. lurid

4. 浅黄色的:lure 潜艇噪声模拟器 | lurid 浅黄色的 | luridin 苍黄菌素

lurid 词典解释

1. (暴力、性爱等)耸人听闻的,触目惊心的,骇人的
    If you say that something is lurid, you are critical of it because it involves a lot of violence, sex, or shocking detail.

    e.g. ...lurid accounts of Claire's sexual exploits...
    e.g. Some reports have contained lurid accounts of deaths and mutilations.

His cousin was soon cursing luridly.

2. 妖冶的;俗丽的;浓艳的
    If you describe something as lurid, you do not like it because it is very brightly coloured.


    e.g. She took care to paint her toe nails a lurid red or orange.

It had a high ceiling and a luridly coloured square of carpet on the floor.

lurid 单语例句

1. It features lurid descriptions of sexual encounters and derogatory comments about Chinese men and society.

2. Its plainly painted exterior and lack of neon lights or lurid pictures make it look drab compared with newer establishments on the rapidly growing strip.

3. It is not cause for alarm that a ranting and lurid racialist like Eng has burst on the scene.

4. Rumors about her on the Internet veer between lurid and the feverish.

5. Such fees are a long media practice in Britain, though more usually for stories involving sexual capers and lurid crimes.

6. The development came as the latest in a lurid tale of Berlusconi's personal life that has caused further cracks in his ruling coalition.

7. All movements are precise yet flowing, and convey the attitude needed to tell the lurid story of Count Dracula.

8. The lurid scandal " gives a completely wrong picture of the Catholic church in Austria, " it said.

9. " It's too lurid for some and too politically incorrect for others, " he said.

10. That lurid case occurred in 1870, when three Britons were kidnapped and killed by Greek thieves.

lurid 英英释义


1. shining with an unnatural red glow as of fire seen through smoke

    e.g. a lurid sunset
           lurid flames

2. ghastly pale

    e.g. moonlight gave the statue a lurid luminence

3. glaringly vivid and graphic
    marked by sensationalism

    e.g. lurid details of the accident

    Synonym: shocking

4. horrible in fierceness or savagery

    e.g. lurid crimes
           a lurid life

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