
lush是什么意思 lush在线翻译 lush什么意思 lush的意思 lush的翻译 lush的解释 lush的发音 lush的同义词 lush的反义词 lush的例句 lush的相关词组

lush [lʌʃ]  [lʌʃ] 


lush 基本解释

形容词葱翠的; 豪华的; 丰富的



lush 相关例句


1. lush

1. Sure, his dad is a lush, but he's always the life of the party.

lush 网络解释

1. lush的解释

1. 醉人:像醉人(Lush)、燕子(Swallow)这样的乐队已经最大限度地抛弃了摇滚乐昔日的内容和形式,诸如布鲁斯、黑人宗教音乐、民歌等,而变成一种常常带着噪音毛边的新的和声组织,歌唱则是若即若离的、内敛的,使局外人始终无法过于接近.

2. 露诗:◆ 露诗(LUSH)品牌介绍:露诗 (LUSH) 产品宣扬新鲜、天然的护肤文化. 露诗 (LUSH) 从全球采集罕有、新鲜的有机水果、蔬菜、花草及上等香熏油等天然原料全人手制造. 由于露诗 (LUSH) 采用最新鲜的原料,它的产品保存期由数星期至1年不等,

lush 词典解释

1. 葱郁的;葱茏的;草木茂盛的
    Lush fields or gardens have a lot of very healthy grass or plants.

    e.g. ...the lush green meadows bordering the river...
    e.g. The beautifully landscaped gardens sprawl with lush vegetation.

...a tropical lushness.

2. 豪华的;奢侈的
    If you describe a place or thing as lush, you mean that it is very luxurious.

    e.g. ...a mirrored bathroom done in soft pink tiles with a lush, plush carpet...
    e.g. The fabrics were lush.

3. 醉鬼;酒鬼
    If you describe someone as a lush, you mean that they drink too much alcohol.

lush 单语例句

1. The small canyon is a perfect place for scientific expedition and education, and also a natural oxygen bar and summer resort with lush vegetation.

2. Mantovani developed the lush sound that he became famous for the " cascading strings " effect.

3. Approaching the restaurant is a bit like taking a stroll through a charming European town with the cobble - stone roads and lush trees.

4. Niu said of the hills now dotted with plants and the land to the west checkered with brown poplars and lush forest.

5. Shiseido has come out with exotic green and deep violet, while Christian Dior offers a lush green and metallic blue in its collection.

6. Admittedly the tables are practically in a car park but lush beer gardens are hardly overflowing in Beijing.

7. Abdul Kalam under a crescent moon in a lush courtyard of the presidential palace.

8. Militants began preying on Swat's lush mountain ranges about two years ago, and it is now too dangerous for foreign and Pakistani journalists to visit.

9. But the sheer delight of staying somewhere so lush in its simplicity and experiencing the best of Japanese hospitality is worth every penny.

10. Further afield are apartment blocks and bungalows with lush green gardens and modern amenities.

lush 英英释义



1. a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually

    Synonym: alcoholicalkydipsomaniacboozersoakersouse


1. produced or growing in extreme abundance

    e.g. their riotous blooming

    Synonym: exuberantluxuriantprofuseriotous

2. full of juice

    e.g. lush fruits
           succulent roast beef
           succulent plants with thick fleshy leaves

    Synonym: succulent

3. characterized by extravagance and profusion

    e.g. a lavish buffet
           a lucullan feast

    Synonym: lavishlucullanplushplushy

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