
Lutes是什么意思 Lutes在线翻译 Lutes什么意思 Lutes的意思 Lutes的翻译 Lutes的解释 Lutes的发音 Lutes的同义词 Lutes的反义词 Lutes的例句

Lutes 基本解释


Lutes 双语例句

1. The seventeenth-century German maker, Joachim Tielke, used kingwood extensively for lutes and viols, sometimes in veneer form and other times in solid strips.
    十七世纪德国制作商,Joachim Tielke,被使用的西阿拉黄檀木广泛地为琵琶和viols,有时在表面饰板形式和其它次在坚实小条。

2. Traders from Delhi and Samarkand, wearied by frigid treks through the world`s most daunting mountain ranges, unloaded their pack horses here and sold saffron and lutes along the city`s cramped streets.

3. Lutes的近义词

3. Or the ancient lute, only the name itself is full of rhyme already. But in my opinion the lute is more suitable for those unruly minstrels or laddish young girls(while the harpplayers should be mature bewitching women). They have goldenorebony hair, tip-tilted nose, smiling eyes and ripe lips. They hold the lutes like cherishing their lovers. Its tone, living, full of verve but still soft and graceful, is so harmonious for improvising some dance music around the bonfire, like the one played in the dance party, in which Tess met Angel Clare; or singing some love stories in the celebration square, and everyone wept for the heartrending part.

4. See more photos of Jeremy Lutes's work.

5. Lutes什么意思

5. Of later origin are various lutes and fiddles introduced to China from Central Asia.

6. And pick the strings of our insipid lutes!

7. They entered Jerusalem and went to the temple of the LORD with harps and lutes and trumpets.

8. Madison Lutes, 7, ran to greet her father, Air Force Capt.
    美国,凤凰城:7岁的Madison Lutes跑向她的空军上尉爸爸表示欢迎。

9. Lutes

9. Your soul is a sealed garden, and there go With masque and bergamasque fair companies Playing on lutes and dancing and as though Sad under their fantastic fripperies.
    月光 保尔。魏尔伦你的心灵是幅精选风景,假面和贝加摩舞添风采,他们跳着舞,又弹起竖琴,在奇装异服下近乎悲哀。

10. THE LIGHT OF THE MOON Paul Veriaine Your soul is a sealed garden, and there go With masque and bergamasque fair companies Playing on lutes and dancing and as though Sad under their fantastic fripperies.
    月光 保尔。魏尔伦你的心灵是幅精选风景,假面和贝加摩舞添风采,他们跳着舞,又弹起竖琴,在奇装异服下近乎悲哀。

11. The white castle on its dark rocks seemed like day pedestalled upon night and from the sea, green of the shadow of myrtles rose the peaks of pavilions, whence came the sound of guitars and lutes and voices more ravishingly sweet than Ibrahim, the son of the seminary, had ever believed earth could hold.

12. Guitars and lutes are fretted musical instruments.

13. Lutes是什么意思

13. A stringed instrument of the group including harps, lutes, lyres, and zithers.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. A Research on the Newly Excavated Lutes and the History of Kingdom Qi of Western Han Dynasty

15. Lutes的翻译

15. He used to give curious concerts in which mad gypsies tore wild music from little zithers, or grave, yellow-shawled Tunisians plucked at the strained strings of monstrous lutes.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. In the first chapter, the author thinks that Chinese Pipa is a lute of a kind of long-neck lutes of stringed instruments of chordophophone category, Its main characters are to ring by strings and to play by bo with Xiang and Pin.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. Lutes were popular from the14th to the18th centuries in the west, but are still common in the middle east.

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