
mai是什么意思 mai在线翻译 mai什么意思 mai的意思 mai的翻译 mai的解释 mai的发音 mai的同义词 mai的反义词 mai的例句 mai的相关词组


mai 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 麻衣:香港的哈日迷今个月确是非常有福,今午2时有大军压境的w-inds.,到21日更能观赏娇俏女唱作人仓木麻衣(Mai)的舞台风范,令本月日星气势并不比以Rain为首的韩星差.

2. 舞:但在包括香港、台湾、韩国、东南亚在内的大部分亚洲地区都将比北美提前几周,在2009年3月14日抢先上映. 赶紧先睹为快吧! 悟空(Goku)-贾斯汀.查文(Justin Chatwin)饰 琪琪(Chi-Chi)-杰米.张(Jamie Chung)饰 舞(Mai)-田村...

3. 五月:既然讨论四月(April)的日志来得晚了点,那么关于五月(Mai)的内容就干脆抢个沙发算了...不过我对五一劳动实在是没什么兴趣,下文只是单纯的研究Mai这个德语单词而已...

4. mai:multiuser access interference; 多址干扰

5. mai:multiple access interference suppression; 多址干扰抑制

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. mai:multiple-access interference; 多用户干扰

7. mai:multilateral agreement on investment; 多边投资协定

mai 单语例句

1. Mai purchased the motorbike in 2007 but it was stolen two months later when her son rode it to a local cyber cafe.

2. The reserve pool was established on basis of Chiang Mai initiative, a bilateral currency swap arrangement introduced in May 2007.

3. To tackle occupational diseases in Foshan, deputy mayor Mai Jiehua has promised to draw up more rules to help standardize conditions.

4. Yang was chairman of Shenzhen Proview before he resigned in early 2010, while Mai was director of the legal affairs department with the company.

5. It was said when a trader handed the drink to an island native, she exclaimed " Mai Tai " to indicate it was very nice.

6. Either you flee to sunnier parts and sip Mai Tais on the beach, or you embrace the cold and make it your own.

7. The Chiang Mai Zoo in northern Thailand already sells multicolored paper made from the excrement produced by its two resident pandas.

8. The Chiang Mai Zoo in northern Thailand already sells multicolored paper made from the excrement of its two resident pandas.

9. The Mai Po Nature Reserve in Hong Kong has tested samples of bird excrement since the first outbreak of avian flu in 1997.

10. The Thai cabinet is expected to approve a delay to March when it meets in Chiang Mai on Tuesday.

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