
main是什么意思 main在线翻译 main什么意思 main的意思 main的翻译 main的解释 main的发音 main的同义词 main的反义词 main的例句 main的相关词组

main [meɪn]  [men] 


main 基本解释

形容词主要的,最重要的; 全力的

名词最主要的部分,重点; 主要管道; 体力; [航海]公海

main 相关词组

1. in the main : 大体上;

main 情景对话


A:Excuse me, can you tell me where Main Street is?

B:Turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks.


A:Is it far?

B:No. It's only a five-minute walk. You can’t miss it.

A:Thanks a lot.


B:You're welcome.

No and Not-(不是和不)

A:Hi, Mary. How've things been?


B:I haven't heard anything about your English investigation for weeks.What're you studying now?
      我有好几个星期没听到有关你研究英语的情况了。 你正在学习什么?

A:Now it's negative-"no"and"not", to be specific. There's nothing particularily unusual about "no"and"not", is there?


B:Not a lot, really.


A:The main thing seems to be that "not" is used with verbs, and "no" everywhere else.

Asking Directions-(问路)


A:Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get downtown?

B:Yes, of course. Areyou familiar with the streets here?

A:NO, I'm from out of town.

B:Well, let me see. What would be the quickest way? I'll tell you. Go to the end of This block, turn right, and walk six blocks. Then turn left for three blocks.There's a Big intersection there.You can't miss it. The main business section is three or four blocks south of the intersection.
      哦,让我想一想,哪一条是最近的路?我告诉您。顺这条街走到下一条横马路时向右转,再过六条马路 然后向左转再过三条马路。那儿有一个很大的交叉路口你不会错过的。从交叉路口向南过三条或四条马路就是主要的商业区。

A:Thanks a lot. Oh, one more thing. Are there any buses running this time of night?

B:No. They stop at eleven p.m.

main 网络解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 主要的:3 B 常识运用逻辑推理前后照应 上段叙述的作者帮助家里干活,而本段说的at JM's Restaurant所做的才是他头一个真正意义的(real)工作,他没有惯例性的(usual),主要的(main)和特定的(particular)的工作.

2. 电源:二.标准配置: (1)发射...[摘要]...(11)不论是总电源(MAIN),共线(COM)或是继电器之常开/常闭接点都可自由路接. 二.标准配置: (1)发射...

3. main什么意思

3. 主线:这样的球员可以使用子母线的组合,以Kelvar线或聚酯线(polyester) 为上下的主线(main),而以尼龙线为横线(cross). 这类超耐用的主线(通常先断的都是主线)可以增加寿命,而较柔软的尼龙横线可提供一点球感. 建议使用子母线. 啪,

4. 主:调光和开/关由两线I2C串行接口控制,17种电流源可用作MAIN, SUB, RGB, CAM和AUX LED驱动器,内部的软起动限制了浪涌电流,开路/短路LED保护,短路/热保护,自动电荷泵模式开关,主(MAIN)和副(SUB)显示器有256种亮度,

main 词典解释

1. 主要的;最重要的
    The main thing is the most important one of several similar things in a particular situation.


    e.g. ...one of the main tourist areas of Amsterdam...
    e.g. My main concern now is to protect the children...

2. 大体上;基本上
    If you say that something is true in the main, you mean that it is generally true, although there may be exceptions.

    e.g. Tourists are, in the main, sympathetic people...
    e.g. In the main, children are taboo in the workplace.

3. (室内煤气、自来水或污水的)总管道,主管道
    The mains are the pipes which supply gas or water to buildings, or which take sewage away from them.

    e.g. ...the water supply from the mains...
    e.g. The capital has been without mains water since Wednesday night.

4. 电力线;电源
    The mains are the wires which supply electricity to buildings, or the place where the wires end inside the building.

    e.g. ...amplifiers which plug into the mains...
    e.g. Make sure plugs are disconnected from the mains...

main 单语例句

1. Lam said the bank hopes to focus on developing its loan business in southern China, while its main operations in the north will be taking in deposits.

2. Aso's Liberal Democratic Party faces a tough battle in a general election due by October, with the main opposition Democratic Party now leading in voter polls.

3. The main part of his act saw him appear on stage with a vacuum cleaner attached to his member through a special attachment.

4. The main reason for the slow development of the service industry is the high business tax on this sector.

5. A recent report by American Express said oil price hikes was one of the main factors hitting business travel.

6. A recent survey in east China's Jiangsu province showed that improved business environments and huge development potential are the main factors driving the trend.

7. But the government should not act as the main party in charge of shouldering these costs.

8. Chen told China Daily the existence of a buyer's market is the main cause of human trafficking crimes.

9. Naming a Cabinet in Japan has traditionally involved a careful balancing act, giving each of the party's main factions positions that reflect their relative strength.

10. The main equipment was jointly designed and manufactured by Siemens and Shanghai Electric Group.

main 英英释义


1. a principal pipe in a system that distributes water or gas or electricity or that collects sewage

2. any very large body of (salt) water

    Synonym: briny

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