
mangrove是什么意思 mangrove在线翻译 mangrove什么意思 mangrove的意思 mangrove的翻译 mangrove的解释 mangrove的发音 mangrove的同义词

mangrove [ˈmæŋgrəʊv]  [ˈmæŋgroʊv] 


mangrove 基本解释



mangrove 网络解释

1. 红树林:作品概括: 红树林(Mangrove)通常生长在海水和淡水交界的地方,在悉尼野外有多处这种地方.

2. 曼哥夫:曼哥夫(MANGROVE)凭借先进的设计理念和过硬的产品质量在户外休闲领域已经开辟出属于自己的一片天地,大家将会见到获得了Q唛奖章的背囊、腰包及手提袋产品系列以及09年秋冬服装,体验曼哥夫的高品质与高性价比.

3. [植]红树林:circulate about 在...附近流传 | mangrove [植]红树林 | net national expenditure 国民净支出

mangrove 词典解释

1. 红树(生长于热带国家的沿海或江河之畔,其须根高于地面)
    A mangrove or mangrove tree is a tree with roots which are above the ground and that grows along coasts or on the banks of large rivers in hot countries.


    e.g. ...mangrove swamps.

mangrove 单语例句


1. The newlywed partners took their vows after planting mangrove saplings and pledged their commitment to protect the environment.

2. Erik is a volunteer at the mangrove conservation park in Muara Angke area in north Jakarta.

3. The region has been the fastest developing in the world since the past two decades, imposing enormous pressure on the ecosystems such as mangrove forests and coral reefs.

4. The journey unfolds past mangrove forests and green rice paddies, offering glimpses of many villages and cottage industries along the way.

5. For Erik he says he will never quit planting mangrove and he loves the trees dearly.

6. Once a week he also teaches elementary school students about why it is important to plant mangrove trees and to make them grow.

7. Ou says some companies are planning to build holiday resorts near the mangrove reserve, if they receive positive environmental evaluation reports.

8. Their first destination is the mangrove forests, where they glide by boat through dense jungle.

9. The island's Lac Bay area includes four species of mangrove trees, and some guides provide time for snorkeling in the clear waters.

10. Companies have largely ignored the instruction to leave, but they stepped up security in the vast area of mangrove swamps and creeks.

mangrove 英英释义


1. a tropical tree or shrub bearing fruit that germinates while still on the tree and having numerous prop roots that eventually form an impenetrable mass and are important in land building

    Synonym: Rhizophora mangle

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