
manning是什么意思 manning在线翻译 manning什么意思 manning的意思 manning的翻译 manning的解释 manning的发音 manning的同义词 manning的反义词

manning ['mænɪŋ]  ['mænɪŋ] 


manning 基本解释


manning 网络解释

1. 人员匹配:该状态下物资只存放在仓库或者磨坊而不会运送到任何别的地方,通常是为了攒够足够的数量满足别的城市的要求,再次点击恢复原来状态. Gate)和城楼(Tower)的人员匹配(Manning)状况. 匹配人员之后的城门和城楼有岗哨(Sentries)可以攻击入侵的军队.

2. 人员配备:美军的军事编制装备表(table of organization and equipment/TOE)规定了师以下单位的组织(organization)、人员配备(manning)与装备情况(equippage). 下面概要介绍描述军队建制的常用术语. 当然各国军队编制有所不同,

3. 萬甯:还有一点就是,香港的奶粉可以在药房买,也可以在万宁(manning)或者屈臣氏(wastons)买. 前者相对便宜十几元左右不等,但是一般都没有小票的. 只有药店出具的收据. 后者才有小票,请各位买家注意了. 还有一点就是,香港的奶粉可以在药房买,

manning 单语例句

1. Collins was signed by the Colts last month as an insurance play in case Manning was not ready to start the season.

2. Security is tight in the capital Colombo with troops manning checkpoints and checking cars and identities of commuters.

3. Police manning one of at least four observation towers surrounding the compound shot one of the attackers in a yard and his vest exploded.

4. Assange has denied any connection with the former US Army Specialist Bradley Manning.

5. Friday's clashes began before dawn when a minibus filled with Hamas gunmen opened fire at a Fatah security force manning a new roadblock.

6. Peyton Manning may decide where to resume his NFL career by Tuesday, according to various media reports published after he visited the Denver Broncos and Arizona Cardinals.

7. There are quite a few fights during the night, according to a fireman manning a first aid post.

8. Nearby stand chefs manning hot pots, pulling wheat noodles and carving slivers of all sorts of fowl.

9. Robert Watkins issued a statement saying the fusion between two vertebrae had healed firmly and that Manning could increase the intensity of his workouts.

10. The siege has given the neighborhood the look of a war zone, with troops manning machine guns behind sandbagged posts and from the top of armored vehicles.

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