
manpower是什么意思 manpower在线翻译 manpower什么意思 manpower的意思 manpower的翻译 manpower的解释 manpower的发音 manpower的同义词

manpower [ˈmænpaʊə(r)]  [ˈmænˌpaʊɚ] 

manpower 基本解释

名词人力; 人力资源; 人手; 劳动力

manpower 相关例句


1. manpower的翻译

1. The movement of young men from the country to the cities leaves the farms short of manpower.

manpower 网络解释

1. 劳动力:劳动力(MANPOWER)是企业产生效益和持续发展的主要动力之一.作为主要劳动力的员工,其工作绩效的高低直接影响企业效益和发展.员工的工作绩效与什么有关呢?

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 万宝盛华:区副总裁 教育培训服务部主管 蒋歆 中华英才网(ChinaHR.com)总裁 张建国 东软集团(Neusoft Group)软件产品事业部总经理 彭成宝铂金(中国)有限公司(Platinum China Limited.)总经理 曹晓宁 万宝盛华(Manpower)中国大陆及台湾地区

manpower 词典解释

1. 人力;劳动力
    Workers are sometimes referred to as manpower when they are being considered as a part of the process of producing goods or providing services.

    e.g. ...the shortage of skilled manpower in the industry...
    e.g. These people do not have the equipment or the manpower to cut down the trees.

manpower 单语例句

1. He commented that the proposal shortens working hours by means of cutting manpower, which means an increased work load for those who are on the job.

2. The CAD in a detailed statement was categorical in dismissing suggestions that the events of September 18 raised questions about manpower and fatigue among controllers.

3. Since the county governments have rather limited manpower, they had to centralize the schools for the convenience of management.

4. As they cut budgets and rush to keep up with the Internet, many media organizations cannot afford the manpower or the time to check facts.

5. The commission gave a clean chit to Secretary for Education and Manpower Arthur Li by clearing him from two allegations.

6. Local governments usually devote considerable manpower to enforcing the ban during some key festivals, for which the setting off of fireworks is traditionally essential.

7. He said it has helped the accounting and consulting service provider build experience and manpower.

8. The Chinese government agreed with the public that the soaring number of official celebrations, seminars and forums would cost plenty of money and manpower and exacerbate corrupt behaviors.

9. If you invest in this injury surveillance system it would cost about half a million dollars a year including manpower.

10. But labour shortages prompted many employers to import foreign workers to resolve their manpower problem, sparking fears that such moves could adversely affect the livelihood of local workers.

manpower 英英释义


1. the force of workers available

    Synonym: work forceworkforcehandsmen

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