
manual是什么意思 manual在线翻译 manual什么意思 manual的意思 manual的翻译 manual的解释 manual的发音 manual的同义词 manual的反义词 manual的例句

manual [ˈmænjuəl]  [ˈmænjuəl] 


manual 基本解释

形容词用手的; 手制的,手工的; [法]占有的; 体力的

名词手册; 指南; [乐]键盘; [军]刀枪操练

manual 同义词

manual 反义词



manual 相关例句


1. You should read the manual before you turn on the new machine.

manual 网络解释

1. 指南:-------------- CS上手指南 在你阅读这个之前,你应该在你的half-life/cstrike/manual directory里面阅读一下CS指南(MANUAL). 在你向更高一步迈进之前你需要知道所有基本的东西. 首先你应当知道CS怎样进行,它是以轮次的方式运转的.

2. 手册:拉拉翻译所从事的说明书翻译主要包括各种指南/手册(Manual)、行业白皮书(White Paper)和帮助文件(Help)等的翻译,涉及领域涵盖了拉拉译下属的 IT、汽车、机械、医药、金融财务、服装、管理咨询七大行业中心.

3. 手动的:一根阻断器挡在 film的前缘将晶粒分离并且把它供给进入film分离器上.剥离后的晶粒松弛的安放在一个可移动的 tray盘上,但同时仍然保持在它原来的相对位置上.之后便可以将这个 tray盘带到其它的地方去使用手动的(manual)晶粒分类(die

manual 词典解释

1. 人力的;体力的;手工的
    Manual work is work in which you use your hands or your physical strength rather than your mind.

    e.g. ...skilled manual workers...
    e.g. They have no reservations about taking factory or manual jobs.

2. 用手的;手工的
    Manual is used to talk about movements which are made by someone's hands.

    e.g. ...toys designed to help develop manual dexterity.

3. 手动的;用手操作的
    Manual means operated by hand, rather than by electricity or a motor.

    e.g. There is a manual pump to get rid of the water.

The device is manually operated, using a simple handle.

4. 使用手册;说明书
    A manual is a book which tells you how to do something or how a piece of machinery works.

    e.g. ...the instruction manual.

manual 单语例句

1. Particularly during the early period of a business transaction, a manual processing mode is mainly adopted.

2. Si said that apart from studying, manual work can also make a person wiser and more capable.

3. His wife helped him support the family doing heavy manual work usually done by men, such as carrying sediment from the Jinsha River to make cement.

4. Under the category " Rights and Duty " were the 10 entries, meant to be a sort of users'manual for the good mobster.

5. Bush to a chimpanzee had been used in a police training manual.

6. Blair told the Senate Intelligence Committee the manual also will be reviewed for possible changes.

7. Italy's culture of design has always entailed a dialogue with traditional manual craftsmanship, which has given it practical capacity and constructive solutions.

8. An electric vehicle is actually easier to control than a manual car because there are no gear changes.

9. The current worker shortage across China is driving an increase in the cost of manual labor.

10. The bus companies charge " reasonable fees " to cover the cost of " manual currency counting ", the newspaper said.

manual 英英释义


1. (military) a prescribed drill in handling a rifle

    Synonym: manual of arms

2. a small handbook


1. requiring human effort

    e.g. a manual transmission

2. of or relating to the hands

    e.g. manual dexterity

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