
marking是什么意思 marking在线翻译 marking什么意思 marking的意思 marking的翻译 marking的解释 marking的发音 marking的同义词 marking的反义词

marking [ˈmɑ:kɪŋ]  [ˈmɑ:rkɪŋ] 


marking 基本解释

名词标记,记号; (支票的)认付; 斑纹; 批改,打分

动词作记号; 在…留下痕迹; 给…打分; 注意

形容词赋与特征的; 使显眼的

marking 相关例句


1. The marking on the wall was childish and unsightly.

2. He accused his teacher of unfair marking.

marking 网络解释

1. 标记:其中,与我们所感兴趣的封闭性有关的是边界追踪(boundary tracing)、标记(marking)与著色(coloring). 乌尔曼认为同时应用边界追踪和标记可以用来决定一个轮廓是有端点的还是头尾相连的. 如图五所示,将一起始点标记起来,

2. 盯人:


3. 标志:(二)拔河道(Lane)规格如图示:(三)标志(Marking)的颜色与宽度标志的颜色,中心线为红色,距中心线为2m,标志为黄色,线宽2cm以内.

4. 做记号:比如说胎儿在妈妈肚子里,公的胚胎的前后都是母的胚胎,这只公的长大以后的攻击性较低,而母的如果是和公的在一起的话,会因为雄性素的影响而使得这只母的长大后有较明显的做记号(marking)行为以及骑乘行为(mounting),

marking 词典解释

1. 标识;标志;斑纹
    Markings are coloured lines, shapes, or patterns on the surface of something, which help to identify it.


    e.g. A plane with Danish markings was overflying his vessel...
    e.g. The animal may have some white markings.

marking 单语例句

1. Called Make the Change Dong Music New Year Party, this is an event that plans to go beyond marking the close of the year.

2. He returned for a surprise cameo in May 2000 marking the departure of Margulies from the show after six seasons.

3. Both officials made the remarks on Sunday at a forum marking the opening of the Canton Fair in Guangzhou.

4. They may all tread a careful path marking territory before making their vows, but fewer of them have the patience to give and take in family relationships.

5. Recent media reports stated that the carrier underwent its seventh sea trial on May 23, marking the third trial held in May.

6. The demonstration took place as the chief executive attended the opening ceremony of an exhibition marking the centenary of the 1911 Revolution.

7. A series of youth exchanges are planned between June and October marking the Centenary of the 1911 Revolution.

8. Li was delivering a speech at a celebration marking the centenary of the university on Thursday morning.

9. He will also attend celebrations marking the centennial anniversary of the founding of the University of Hong Kong.

10. China Development Bank Corporation was set up in Beijing on Tuesday, marking its change from a China policy bank to a commercial bank.

marking 英英释义


1. the act of making a visible mark on a surface

2. evaluation of performance by assigning a grade or score

    e.g. what he disliked about teaching was all the grading he had to do

    Synonym: gradingscoring

3. a pattern of marks

4. a distinguishing symbol

    e.g. the owner's mark was on all the sheep

    Synonym: markermark

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