
mart是什么意思 mart在线翻译 mart什么意思 mart的意思 mart的翻译 mart的解释 mart的发音 mart的同义词 mart的反义词 mart的例句 mart的相关词组

mart [mɑ:t]  [mɑ:rt] 


mart 基本解释


mart 相关例句


1. Lisbon outshone Venice as a mart for oriental spices.

2. New York and London are two great marts of the world.

3. mart的翻译

3. Nagasaki was once the sole mart of the foreign trade of Japan.

4. New York is a great mart of the world.

mart 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 卖场:工厂价压得很低,但量很大. 开发力强,价格便宜,资金雄厚的工厂可以进攻这类型的客户. 小厂最好保持距离,否则他一张订单的周转资金就让你吃不消,万一品质无法达到验货标准,就难以翻身了. 做连锁大型超商卖场(MART)的单子好一点...

2. 标示:marshaling 封送处理 | mart 标示 | martian 火星人

3. mart的意思

3. 商业中心:marshal 军官 | mart 商业中心 | martial 军事的

4. mart

4. 灯饰市场:lighting machine,lighting machinery 灯饰机械 | lighting market,agorae,mart,agora,bazaar,marketer,marketeer 灯饰市场 | lightning conductor 接地极

5. mart:multiple additive regression tree; 采用多重累计回归树

6. mart:mean active repair time; 平均有效修理时间

7. mart:maintenance analysis and review technique; 维护分析与复审技术

8. mart:maintenance analysis review technique; 维护分析查核技术

mart 词典解释

1. 集市;市场;贸易场所
    A mart is a place such as a market where things are bought and sold.

    e.g. ...the flower mart.

mart 单语例句

1. SITIC Commercial Property Limited is a real estate company SITIC established to support Wal Mart's fast expansion in China.

2. Shanda has been stepping up its diversification pace in the last few years as it seeks to expand its reach beyond the online gaming mart.

3. Yuyuan Tourist Mart agreed to pay 110 million yuan for the stake.

4. Experts said the mart will provide special opportunities for tourism operators to learn from each other and exchange ideas.

5. Fosun owns the listed Shanghai Yuyuan Tourist Mart Co Ltd, a retailer renowned for managing department stores and entertainment outlets in Shanghai.

6. The company has been one of the early movers in the auto mart and started exports in 1998.

7. Don't miss this year's Design Mart, a fun market for emerging designers to exhibit their original creations.

8. An unprecedented number of world art masterpieces is appearing in the Shanghai Art Fair which starts tomorrow in Shanghai Mart.

9. Some international customers like Wal Mart and Dell require their Chinese suppliers have an IT system connected to their network.

10. A Wal - Mart spokesman explained that there are no trade unions in its branches in other parts of the world either.

mart 英英释义



1. an area in a town where a public mercantile establishment is set up

    Synonym: marketplacemarket placemarket

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