
mash是什么意思 mash在线翻译 mash什么意思 mash的意思 mash的翻译 mash的解释 mash的发音 mash的同义词 mash的反义词 mash的例句 mash的相关词组

mash [mæʃ]  [mæʃ] 


mash 基本解释

名词麦芽浆; 麦麸; 糊状物,浆状物; (捣成的)泥,(碾碎的)颗粒

及物动词捣碎,磨碎; 捣成糊状的混和物; 〈俚〉调情,挑逗(异性)

mash 相关例句


1. mash是什么意思

1. Mash the potatoes with a fork.

mash 网络解释

1. 风流医生俏护士:在刚复播的头几年,FX电视台只是重播一些FOX的电视剧,例如<>(The X-Files)和<<憔悴潘郎/拖家带口>>(married with children),还有一些二十世纪福克斯的电视剧,如:<<风流医生俏护士>>(MASH)和<<吸血鬼猎人巴菲>>(buffy

2. 陆军流动外科医院:从罗伯特.奥特曼(Robert Altman)所执导的经典的邪典电影<<陆军流动外科医院>>(MASH)和约翰.兰迪斯(John Landis)非常有标志性意义的<<动物屋>>(Animal House)中获得了创作灵感,理查德.柯蒂斯打算将那些经典的喜剧桥段的风格延用到这部<<海盗电台>>当中,

3. 陆军野战医院:现在还没有定论,但可以给大家吐露的是,达蒙最欣赏的结局方式是类似<<陆军野战医院>>(MASH)这样的结局. 大家可以根据达蒙的嗜好来大胆预测一下剧情的未来走势.

4. 外科醫生:<外科医生>(MASH),MASH是为(美国)陆军战外科医院(Mobile Army Surgical Hospital)的简称,片名另一译为<风流医生俏护士>. 这部电影完成於1970年,以韩战期间美军后方作背景,以喜剧幽默等方式揭开种种荒谬的军营生活.

mash 词典解释

1. 捣烂,弄碎(食物);把…捣成糊状
    If you mash food that is solid but soft, you crush it so that it forms a soft mass.


    e.g. Mash the bananas with a fork.
    e.g. ...mashed potatoes.

2. 土豆泥
    Mash is mashed potato.

3. 糊状食物
    A mash of food is a soft mass of food. It is often a mixture of several ingredients.

    e.g. They ate a mash of 2 potatoes, 2 carrots & cabbage...
    e.g. I'm feeding our horses the same mash the O'Briens used to win Gold Cups.

mash 单语例句

1. Walls lined with bottles of wine and old cigar boxes mash with more cowboy posters.

2. Today's Tsingtao contains a proportion of less expensive rice as an adjunct in the mash.

3. Remove the skin and mash the sweet potato together with the sweet potato or corn starch.

4. Make sure you try the fluffy potato mash - its whipped up with a generous spoonful of Mascarpone.

5. Now add 2 anchovies and mash them down with a heavy fork, they will melt into the veggie sauce.

6. Cook it a few minutes until the tomatoes soften and mash it with a fork or potato masher.

7. Fermentation occurs after yeast is added to the malt, hops and water mash.

8. Mash the bananas very roughly and mix in the lemon juice to prevent oxidization.

9. There will be side dishes of macaroni and cheese, plus sweet potato mash with marshmallow sauce.

10. Mash the onion and ginger, and put in the water to marinate for 15 minutes.


mash 英英释义


1. mixture of ground animal feeds

2. a mixture of mashed malt grains and hot water
    used in brewing



1. reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading

    e.g. grind the spices in a mortar
           mash the garlic

    Synonym: grindcrunchbraycomminute

2. talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions

    e.g. The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries
           My husband never flirts with other women

    Synonym: chat upflirtdallybutterflycoquetcoquetteromancephilander

3. to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition

    e.g. crush an aluminum can
           squeeze a lemon

    Synonym: squashcrushsquelchsqueeze

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