
mast是什么意思 mast在线翻译 mast什么意思 mast的意思 mast的翻译 mast的解释 mast的发音 mast的同义词 mast的反义词 mast的例句 mast的相关词组

mast [mɑ:st]  [mæst] 


mast 基本解释

名词桅杆; 栓柱; 橡树果实


mast 相关例句


1. mast

1. She tied on the flag and ran it up the mast.

mast 情景对话



A:You mast be Mrs. Wang. I am delighted to meet you at last.


B:Likewise. I have been looking forward to this moment or months!

A:You must be exhausted. Would you like to sit down and rest for a few minutes?

B:Oh, no, I’d rather get to College as quickly as possible.

mast 网络解释

1. mast的近义词

1. 桅杆:我走到1桅杆(mast)的帆船前,停下了脚步. 那个地方是诺曼(Norman)禁止出入的区域. 而且那里还...

2. 桅:另外,大部份拉紧downhaul是使帆型更凸,增强帆效帆力;放松才是让弯曲的桅(mast)挺直,帆面变平坦吧?桁(boom)则是配合需要的帆型而伸缩,正常的帆型大概都不需要拉紧outhaul,只有要将帆调成不正常的平坦型状时,才会让桁伸长才硬拉outhaul.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. mast:maximal acceptable sustaining time; 持续时间

4. mast:medical anti shock trousers; 医用抗休克裤

mast 词典解释

1. 船桅;桅杆
    The masts of a boat are the tall upright poles that support its sails.


2. 天线杆
    A radio mast is a tall upright structure that is used to transmit radio or television signals.


3. to nail your colours to the mast -> see colour
    to nail your colours to someone's mast -> see colour

mast 单语例句

1. In 2003 MacArthur failed in a bid to set the fastest nonstop circumnavigation of the globe when her mast broke in the Indian Ocean.

2. Three soldiers in green uniforms with golden buttons practice the hoisting of the Chinese flag on the mast in the center of the park.

3. State television announced that the mourning period will begin today and be marked by flying the national flag at half mast.

4. The Chinese national flag and the regional flag outside government buildings will fly at half mast till Saturday.

5. The transportation and installation processes for the data mast will also pave the way for the future offshore wind turbine installation.

6. The national flag was flown at half mast for the first time to mourn the death of ordinary people after the May 12 quake.

7. The building is capped with a mast incorporating an antenna, which is meant to evoke the torch of the Statue of Liberty.

8. Publicists Samantha Mast and Paul Block released the statement but could not be reached for additional comment.

9. China is observing a day of national mourning on Sunday, with national flags flying at half mast and all public entertainment activities suspended.

10. On the mast hang the national flags of the 10 countries they visited, with the Chinese national flag on top.

mast 英英释义


1. a vertical spar for supporting sails

2. any sturdy upright pole

3. nuts of forest trees used as feed for swine

4. nuts of forest trees (as beechnuts and acorns) accumulated on the ground

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