
mastermind是什么意思 mastermind在线翻译 mastermind什么意思 mastermind的意思 mastermind的翻译 mastermind的解释 mastermind的发音 mastermind的同义词

mastermind [ˈmɑ:stəmaɪnd]  [ˈmæstərmaɪnd] 


mastermind 基本解释


名词策划者,操纵者; 智多星,才子


mastermind 相关例句


1. The generals masterminded the coup.


1. The advertising manager is the mastermind of our new marketing policy.

2. mastermind在线翻译

2. The mastermind behind the scheme was executed after a brief trial.

mastermind 网络解释

1. 策划:(plan)、策划(mastermind)、指挥(direct)等造价工程师_工程管理_造价工程师培训工程师是把数学与自然科学知用于实际目的(如设计、建造结构并加以操作)的人造价工程师_工程管理_造价工程师培训 工程师的专业包括土木建筑、土木工程、岩石工程、土岩方、风景园林、园艺、园林、园林建筑、园林工程、园林绿化、古建筑园林、工民

2. mastermind的近义词

2. 幕后策划:这个剧本应该算Alan Schoolcraft和Brent Simons他们卖出的第二部剧本,此前梦工厂动画公司曾买下他们的<<幕后策划>>(Mastermind),后者由本.斯蒂勒(Ben Stiller)担任制片人,导演是执导过梦工厂电脑动画短片<<初试羽翼>>(First Flight)的Cameron Hood和Kyle Jefferson .

3. 幕后操纵者:mass-murderer在 人群中制造爆炸案的凶手 | mastermind 幕后操纵者 | Mosque 清真寺

4. 策划;幕后操纵:massacre 大屠杀;残杀 | mastermind 策划;幕后操纵 | maul 殴打;粗暴对待;伤害

mastermind 词典解释

1. 谋划,策划(艰难或复杂的行动)
    If you mastermind a difficult or complicated activity, you plan it in detail and then make sure that it happens successfully.

    e.g. The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland's economic reform...
    e.g. The bombings were masterminded by a known drugs smuggler.

2. (常指罪案)主谋,出谋划策的人,幕后操纵者
    The mastermind behind a difficult or complicated plan, often a criminal one, is the person who is responsible for planning and organizing it.

    e.g. He was the mastermind behind the plan to acquire the explosives.

mastermind 单语例句

1. The prefecture is launching a massive campaign to find a mastermind to develop the right development strategy for the area.

2. The Passion of the Christ mastermind admitted that he continued to drink at home the morning after his arrest as he spoke with his children.

3. Later the two killers turned on one another, each claiming the other to have been the mastermind of the crime.

4. Lai was accused of being the mastermind of a criminal ring which had conducted the biggest smuggling operation uncovered in China since 1949.

5. A Beijing rock star denied he was the mastermind behind a deadly fight involving hundreds of gangsters that left one person dead and several injured.

6. While Palestinians have held some demonstrations in support of Osama bin Laden, there have been no mass displays of affection for the accused terror mastermind.

7. The location caused some to suspect that Pakistani authorities might have some knowledge about the terror mastermind's whereabouts despite their repeated denial.

8. The thriller stars Denzel Washington as a dispatcher matching wits against John Travolta as the mastermind of a subway hijacking.

9. Customs officers of Hong Kong recently arrested the mastermind of a syndicate distributing counterfeit drugs smuggled from the mainland.

10. Customs officers have arrested the mastermind of a syndicate specialized in distributing counterfeit drugs smuggled from the mainland.

mastermind 英英释义



1. someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality

    e.g. Mozart was a child genius
           he's smart but he's no Einstein

    Synonym: geniusbrainbrainiacEinstein

2. someone who creates new things

    Synonym: originatorconceiver



1. plan and direct (a complex undertaking)

    e.g. he masterminded the robbery

    Synonym: engineerdirectorganizeorganiseorchestrate

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