
matt是什么意思 matt在线翻译 matt什么意思 matt的意思 matt的翻译 matt的解释 matt的发音 matt的同义词 matt的反义词 matt的例句 matt的相关词组

matt [mæt]  [mæt] 


matt 基本解释

形容词表面暗淡的; 无光泽的; 不光滑的

名词无光表面; 衬边

及物动词使…无光; 把…熔炼为锍(等于matte)

matt 网络解释

1. 无光泽:其实用无光泽(matt)的发蜡也可以自己抓得很蓬!其实用无光泽(matt)的发蜡也可以自己抓得很蓬!其实用无光泽(matt)的发蜡也可以自己抓得很蓬!宝贝蛋(small talk)是3效结合的,主要是让头发看起来变厚,定型,变厚也可以说蓬松了点吧,

2. 麦特:在酒吧里我们碰上了麦特(Matt). 麦特(Matt)曾经是浪子乐队(The Libertines)的音响师,现在他是今天早些时候我奇遇的男主人公罗伯特.普兰特(Robert Plant)的音响师. 提到明天晚上罗伯特.普兰特在奥斯汀最大的音乐厅的演出,

3. 亚光:之前大致经历了两个发展时期:第一代为完全玻化的抛光砖(Polished),在人们生活水平不断提升、欧美现代生活成为时尚的时代,它凭借着现代、时尚的风格成为主流;第二代则是不经过抛光,保留产品原有特性和质感的亚光(matt)产品,其中最具代表性的是e石代,

matt 词典解释

The spellings matte in British English, and matte or mat in American English are also used. 英国英语中亦拼作 matte,美国英语中亦拼作 matte 或 mat。

1. 亚光的;无光泽的;暗淡的
    A matt colour, paint, or surface is dull rather than shiny.

    e.g. ...a creamy white matt emulsion.
    e.g. ...matt black.

matt 单语例句

1. With the season Los Angeles'Matt Kemp had, he wasn't sure the call would come at all.

2. It's actually surprisingly charming and more emotionally understated than the material would suggest, and a lot of that has to do with Matt Damon's performance.

3. They were followed by surprising Matt Savoie, whose clutch performance reversed a long downward career spiral.

4. Besides traditional matt gray tones, there are cool metals and earthy coloured merchandise.

5. His spokesman Navy Captain Matt Brown said it could be the largest combined aircraft carrier operations in the Pacific since the Vietnam War.

6. The two had met at Athens when Matt missed gold by shooting at the wrong target and Katerina went to commiserate with him.

7. Matt Etherington then bundled in Di Michele's mishit shot eight minutes after the break before Michael Owen netted a consolation effort for the Magpies.

8. He was contrite in an interview with Today host Matt Lauer on Monday, his first appearance on the show since the 2005 incident.

9. The Jaguars had an opportunity to win the game when Derek Cox intercepted quarterback Matt Schaub and returned the ball to the Texans'47.

10. " Mad Men " creator Matt Weiner told Reuters that his writing staff worked hard to take the characters to deeper human levels each season.

matt 英英释义



1. the property of having little or no contrast
    lacking highlights or gloss

    Synonym: flatnesslusterlessnesslustrelessnessmatmatte



1. not reflecting light
    not glossy

    e.g. flat wall paint
           a photograph with a matte finish

    Synonym: flatmatmattematted

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