
maturity是什么意思 maturity在线翻译 maturity什么意思 maturity的意思 maturity的翻译 maturity的解释 maturity的发音 maturity的同义词

maturity [məˈtʃʊərəti]  [məˈtʃʊrəti] 


maturity 基本解释


名词成熟; 完备; (票据等的)到期; [地]壮年期

maturity 反义词

maturity 相关例句


1. This job calls for a man with a great deal of maturity.

maturity 网络解释

1. 到期日:、股票、存托凭证或指 股票型基 (ETF)之期货、选择权或期货选择权等、股票、存托凭证或指 股票型基 (ETF)之期货、选择权或期货选择权等证则其信用风险将由结算所 承担;但 为柜台(OTC)买卖交 ,则其信用风险应计 息及折溢价摊销为准;有call 权及put 权之债券,以该债券之到期日(Maturity)

2. 期限:此外,期限(maturity)的不匹配也会使银行遭受损失. 为了避免损失,银行往往要进行复杂的涉及货币即期、远期和掉期的对冲操作,以便使收入与支出表上的币种和期限实现匹配. 例如,在买进投机者卖出的远期港币合约之后,

maturity 词典解释

1. 成熟;长大成人
    Maturity is the state of being fully developed or adult.


    e.g. Humans experience a delayed maturity; we arrive at all stages of life later than other mammals.

2. (性格、行为等的)成熟
    Someone's maturity is their quality of being fully developed in their personality and emotional behaviour.


    e.g. Her speech showed great maturity and humanity...
    e.g. Lacking self-confidence and maturity, many teenagers are left feeling very vulnerable.

3. (存单、养老金计划等的)到期
    When an investment such as a savings policy or pension plan reaches maturity, it reaches the stage when you stop paying money and the company pays you back the money you have saved, and the interest your money has earned.


    e.g. Customers are told what their policies will be worth on maturity...
    e.g. Treasury bonds have maturities that extend out as far as 25 years or more.

maturity 单语例句

1. Some corporate bonds have an embedded call option that allows the issuer to redeem the debt before its maturity date.

2. They interviewed them and had them fill out questionnaires that measured their psychosocial maturity and basic intellectual acumen.

3. The entire life cycle from chick to maturity is only approximately eight weeks.

4. And 2012 and 2103 will witness the climax of local government debt maturity, with more than 3 trillion yuan of debt maturing over these years.

5. While Hong Kong is complementing the economic reform on the mainland, one should not be surprised to see growing economic maturity there.

6. John Tsang also proposed to extend a concession to cover qualifying debt instruments with a maturity period of less than three years.

7. The maturity of the bloc and the solidarity of its members should help build confidence in the region's common development.

8. Statistics indicate that adolescence comes earlier and so does sexual maturity, both psychologically and physiologically.

9. Employers should update their understanding of the market and their workforce and cooperate with governments to promote the institutional maturity of the Chinese labor market.

10. Attracted by stable coupon returns and guaranteed value upon maturity, the bond market is booming.

maturity 英英释义


1. state of being mature
    full development

    Synonym: matureness

2. the period of time in your life after your physical growth has stopped and you are fully developed

    Synonym: adulthood

3. the date on which an obligation must be repaid

    Synonym: maturity datedue date

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