
meddle是什么意思 meddle在线翻译 meddle什么意思 meddle的意思 meddle的翻译 meddle的解释 meddle的发音 meddle的同义词 meddle的反义词 meddle的例句

meddle [ˈmedl]  [ˈmɛdl:] 


meddle 基本解释

动词干涉,插手; 弄,摸弄,用手玩弄; 参与,发生关系

meddle 相关例句


1. meddle

1. Don't meddle in their affairs.

2. Do not meddle in things that do not concern you.

3. Don't meddle in my affairs.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. Someone's been meddling with my CD player.

meddle 网络解释

1. 干预:以此方式,皮亚杰就为时空实在与数学之间引入了一种崭新的关系,这种关系既不是抽象的也不是先验的,而是依赖于我们干预(meddle)世界的方式的结构. 度量结构、拓扑结构和代数结构既不依赖于自然界,也不依赖于我们的思想,

2. 干涉:乐队在1970年的专辑<<妈妈的心肝>>(Atom Heart Mother)中展露了新声,并在1971年的<<乾涉>>(Meddle)得以加强. 这些专辑是乐队中非常优秀的两张专辑,非常宏大和密集的音响努力,它也包括特别的音乐声源、严格的音律以及抒情味极浓的形象,

3. 管闲事:stored liquid plasma 库存液态血浆 | meddle 管闲事 | acceptance requirements 验收要求, 接受规格

4. 干涉,干扰:mediator 调停人,调解人 | meddle 干涉,干扰 | median 平均值,中间值

meddle 词典解释

1. 管闲事;干涉;干预
    If you say that someone meddles in something, you are criticizing the fact that they try to influence or change it without being asked.


    e.g. Already some people are asking whether scientists have any right to meddle in such matters...
    e.g. If only you hadn't felt compelled to meddle.

They view activists as little more than meddlers.

meddle 单语例句

1. Casey won't meddle too heavily in the team's evaluation of potential picks, instead reiterating the type of players that he sees fit for his system.

2. But if Washington tries to meddle in China's internal affairs by playing with the issue, it will only lead to animosity between the two sides.

3. The power of local governments to meddle in the economy needs to be curbed.

4. The last thing the government should do is to meddle with the market with hopes of achieving some goals in the sphere of public policy.

5. And they should teach Western leaders not to meddle in other countries'affairs when their own house is not in order.

6. They also felt that the government should not meddle with the market mechanism that determines wages in accordance with supply and demand.

7. A handful of countries from outside the region seem willing to meddle in the South China Sea issue in pursuit of their own interests.

8. The Chinese ambassador said the Tibet issue is China's internal affair, and no country should intervene or meddle in this issue.

9. Li also said that audit work should stay focussed and not meddle in the normal operations of the enterprises.

10. Cen said his ministry does not meddle in the affairs of parents sending their children abroad.

meddle 英英释义


1. intrude in other people's affairs or business
    interfere unwantedly

    e.g. Don't meddle in my affairs!

    Synonym: tamper

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