
medic是什么意思 medic在线翻译 medic什么意思 medic的意思 medic的翻译 medic的解释 medic的发音 medic的同义词 medic的反义词 medic的例句

medic [ˈmedɪk]  [ˈmɛdɪk] 


medic 基本解释

名词医生; 医学院学生; 苜蓿属植物

medic 网络解释

1. 医生:55秒. (不仅是因为启动不需加速的原因,dragoon的实际速度要比第五阵营其他几种单位快. 这里测得速度已除去加速度影响,在开始测试前使单位获得初速度)第七:未升级zealot,marine,火兵(firebat),医生(medic),蝎子(defiler)用68秒

2. 医护兵:是我军火力的主要来源...工程师(Engineer)拥有基本的战斗力,可以使用炸药破坏地形地物,更重要的是工程师可以修复重型机枪MG42,提供我军相当大的火力支援...医护兵(Medic)拥有基本的战斗力,能够医疗我军在战斗中受到的伤害,

3. medic

3. 医疗兵:人类是属于比较传统的阵营,各方面都比较平均,人类的防守能力一流,灵活运用供应站(Supply depot)、坦克(Tank)及海军陆战队(Marine)+医疗兵(Medic),初期自保足矣.

4. 护士:下图是 毁灭(Wraith)的附件下图是 护士(Medic)的附件下图是 角斗(REV)的附件上图是 火蝠(Imp)的专用附件,伪装上图是 守护者(Liche)的专用附件,能悬浮并躲避PIG的轰炸.上图是 守护者(Liche)的专用附件,能撑开一个防护伞,

medic 词典解释

1. 医生;医科学生
    A medic is a doctor or medical student.

2. (随军)卫生员
    A medic is a doctor who works with the armed forces, as part of a medical corps.

    e.g. A Navy medic was wounded by sniper fire.

medic 单语例句

1. Upon learning she had actually ingested cocaine, the singer admitted she " broke down into tears " when the medic offered her more medication.

2. Joe is also said to be considering a wrongful death lawsuit against the medic.

3. The dehydrated star passed out during filming and was rushed to the hospital because there wasn't a medic on the set.

4. Palestinian residents said they did not see a knife, and a Palestinian medic said soldiers prevented his ambulance from reaching the scene.

5. The South China Morning Post quoted an unidentified hospital medic as saying that what appeared to be bomb fragments were found in the bodies.

6. A medic at the scene said the French woman died in the intensive care unit of the nearby Hussein hospital.

7. Pictures and video images of Saddam being examined by a medic after his arrest were widely criticized.

8. In 1969 Bi Shumin was sent to Tibet as an army medic in the PLA and stayed there for 11 years.

9. As a medic, Zhong had not learnt to use weapons or how to react if he was captured.

10. One medic said earlier that he heard cries and moans from inside the debris.

medic 英英释义


1. a medical practitioner in the armed forces

    Synonym: medical officer

2. any of several Old World herbs of the genus Medicago having small flowers and trifoliate compound leaves

    Synonym: medicktrefoil

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