
meditate是什么意思 meditate在线翻译 meditate什么意思 meditate的意思 meditate的翻译 meditate的解释 meditate的发音 meditate的同义词

meditate [ˈmedɪteɪt]  [ˈmɛdɪˌtet] 


meditate 基本解释

不及物动词沉思; 打算

及物动词深思; 策划

meditate 相关例句


1. meditate

1. She meditated for 2 days before giving her answer.

meditate 网络解释

1. meditate的反义词

1. 想:在西游记这样一个人神鬼怪的世界里,法术(spells)当然是很要运用法术,你必须学好基本法术(spells)和一门特别法术,象查询各门各派的技法). 然后还要通过静思冥想(meditate)来增的一点是:一定要把施法强度(enchant)加到最大,于伤敌护己

2. meditate是什么意思

2. 冥想:服务(Serve) 爱(Love) 奉献(Give)净化(Purify) 冥想(Meditate) 了悟(Realise)为最古老、最完整、也是最普遍的瑜珈,著重在提升精神与肉体的健康. 哈达瑜珈透过呼吸法,达到肉体与精神的净化、同步化.

3. 冥思:这好像对MOBS滴攻击值没什么太大影响. 许多MOB不管徒手还是用剑,攻击力都没太大区别. 不过在决斗中它还是很有用滴. 同样滴,泥在35级也自动掌握了坐下来就冥思(Meditate)滴方法. 这也意味着泥不用再死盯着法术书了.

4. 沉思,冥想,反省:Jakarta 雅加达 | meditate 沉思,冥想,反省 | Java 爪哇

meditate 词典解释

1. 沉思;深思;仔细考虑
    If you meditate on something, you think about it very carefully and deeply for a long time.


    e.g. He meditated on the problem...
    e.g. On the day her son began school, she meditated on the uncertainties of his future.

2. (宗教中)冥想,默想,打坐
    If you meditate you remain in a silent and calm state for a period of time, as part of a religious training or so that you are more able to deal with the problems and difficulties of everyday life.

    e.g. I was meditating, and reached a higher state of consciousness.

meditate 单语例句

1. Sending a stranger to meditate at a tombstone is fundamentally different from sending a nurse to take care of an ailing parent.

2. These works of art function as models on which the practitioner can reflect and meditate.

3. He was a little bit introvert, and loved to meditate and stay with himself.

4. If you want to pray and meditate at each of them, it will take you weeks.

5. The parents of serious offenders will be invited to the school for a meeting, and students will be sent home to meditate for three to seven days.

6. They dance on rocks, meditate on floating clouds and perform acrobatics on raging rivers.

7. To ease the tensions of the day, you might want to retreat to your garden and meditate.

8. " Meditate " on your carbon account, and realize what else you can do to cut down carbon footprints.

9. BEIJING - China's Buddhist Association on Friday denounced last month's violence in Lhasa, urging monks who had breached Buddhist precepts to meditate over their acts.

meditate 英英释义


1. reflect deeply on a subject

    e.g. I mulled over the events of the afternoon
           philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years
           The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate

    Synonym: chew overthink overponderexcogitatecontemplatemusereflectmullmull overruminatespeculate

2. think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes

    e.g. He is meditating in his study

    Synonym: studycontemplate

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