
melee是什么意思 melee在线翻译 melee什么意思 melee的意思 melee的翻译 melee的解释 melee的发音 melee的同义词 melee的反义词 melee的例句

melee [ˈmeleɪ]  [ˈmeɪleɪ] 


melee 基本解释


名词混乱; <主文> 混战; 乱战; 混乱的人群

melee 网络解释

1. (近战):以近战(melee)作基础,以攻击、防守、力量、祈祷、生命值、召唤等级计算. 以魔术(Magic)作基础,以魔法、防守、祈祷、生命值、召唤等级计算. 以远程攻击力(Ranged)作基础,以射箭、防守、祈祷、生命值、召唤等级计算.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 混战:如果双方仍有步兵(其中有一方或双方有一个或以上不是溃散的)留在同一地点内,它们被认为是被锁在混战中,只可进行肉搏战,不得进行任何其它活动,例如,离开该地点,作火力射击,阻截(Interdict)敌方溃散部队等,在它们身上放上混战(Melee)棋子.

3. 魅力帮:魅力帮(Melee)的流行摇滚音乐有着一份难以抗拒的自在快感,还有一份触动人心的真实感动,在他们入主华纳唱片公司的首张大碟<>中,尽情地挥洒着当代英式摇滚乐团中用钢琴与人声创造动人歌曲的神采,

4. melee

4. 肉搏:当然啦,公会会员加入公会内部行会多少是比外边的那些乱七八糟的行会来得安全可靠......可供学习的计有:战斗bat)基本作用:提高您自身的近战和远程防御力;肉搏(melee)基本作用:提高您自身的近战攻击力;

melee 词典解释

1. 混战
    A melee is a noisy confusing fight between the people in a crowd.

    e.g. A policeman was killed and scores of people were injured in the melee.

2. 混乱的情况;无序的局面
    A melee of things is a large, confusing, disorganized group of them.


    e.g. ...the melee of streets around the waterfront.

melee 单语例句


1. He'd been shot at least once, most likely back in the initial cafeteria melee.

2. Ron Artest of the Indiana Pacers is escorted out of the Palace by Chuck Person following a melee during their game against the Detroit Pistons.

3. Relatives of the people who were arrested followed officers to police headquarters at city hall, and then the melee erupted.

4. Microphones, voice recorders and cameras collide with each other in the media melee.

5. Ambulances darted in and out of the melee, taking casualties to the hospital.

6. The match was abandoned after an embarrassing melee, and one Chinese player suffered a broken jaw.

7. Mousavi's silence was broken after the melee with another call to annul the election results.

8. In the melee, a man couldn't get on the bus.

9. Women lawmakers from the rival parties joined in the melee, grabbing each other by the neck and trying to bring opponents to the floor.

10. Wednesday's melee involved a father and son surnamed Huang from the mainland and three cousins surnamed Lim from Hong Kong.

melee 英英释义


1. a noisy riotous fight

    Synonym: scrimmagebattle royal

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