
mellifluous是什么意思 mellifluous在线翻译 mellifluous什么意思 mellifluous的意思 mellifluous的翻译 mellifluous的解释 mellifluous的发音

mellifluous [meˈlɪfluəs]  [məˈlɪfluəs] 

mellifluous 基本解释


mellifluous 网络解释

1. 如蜜般的:mellifluent 如蜜般的 | mellifluous 如蜜般的 | mellow 醇香的

2. (音乐等)柔美流畅的:affluent rich,abundant 富足的 | mellifluous (音乐等)柔美流畅的 | refuse 拒绝 vt.拒绝

3. mellifluous

3. 柔美流畅的:meek 温顺的,顺服的 | mellifluous 柔美流畅的 | methodical 细心的,有条不紊的

4. 声音甜美的:brisk清新健康的 | mellifluous声音甜美的 | dulcet美妙的

mellifluous 双语例句

1. mellifluous的翻译

1. The Sun that light imparts to all, receives From all his alimental recompence In humid exhalations, and at Even [425] Sups with the Ocean: though in Heav'n the Trees Of life ambrosial frutage bear, and vines Yield Nectar, though from off the boughs each Morn We brush mellifluous Dewes, and find the ground Cover'd with pearly grain: yet God hath here [430] Varied his bounty so with new delights, As may compare with Heaven; and to taste Think not I shall be nice.

2. He can whisper mellifluous nothings in my ear.

3. mellifluous

3. They are mellifluous and marvelous and without doubt the best choir.

4. She sometimes uses mellifluous sometimes suffering to express her works and to describe the life by flowers.
    Hong JI-yoon有时候是用甜蜜、有时候是用刻苦怀念来表现她的作品,她的作品通过花的图像来描述人生的内外。

5. Her voice was distinctive, soft and mellifluous.

6. And the chief image is decorated with a cascade of necklace, longevity locks and other ornaments, green silk shawls decorating the pink skin while the flowing ribbons hanging from a knot, natural and mellifluous.

7. The sweet witty soul of Ovid lives in mellifluous and honey-tongued Shakespeare.

8. The familiar trance-like experience, mellifluous rhythm and pictorial descriptions make it one of the best elegies in English literature.

9. My voice used to be nothing special, dull, a bland Midwestern accent, but after I started living with the harpy, it grew mellifluous, polyhymnal.

10. His mellifluous cantilena in such pieces as Nadir`s romance in Les pêcheurs de perles was consummately beautiful.
    他那十分迷人的嗓音在诸如纳迪尔浪漫的 Les pêcheurs de perles 中表现出全然圆满的美丽。

11. The more mellifluous the singer, the more dexterous the harpist, the more mates he attracts.

12. I grew up around people who had wonderful, mellifluous voices

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

13. Soon the room is filled with Bates'mellifluous tones.

14. They all had mellifluous voices.

15. mellifluous在线翻译

15. I particularly savoured the mellifluous second movement.

16. Polite and cordial, with a mellifluous, well - educated voice (bH. W. Crocker III)

17. Pick it as many times as you like. Try many different vibrato approaches (fast, slow, soulful, mellifluous, etc).

18. But like the rest of the disc, they're borne along on mellifluous, easy melodies that seem to glide.

mellifluous 词典解释

1. 悦耳的;流畅的;动听的
    A mellifluous voice or piece of music is smooth and gentle and very pleasant to listen to.

    e.g. I grew up around people who had wonderful, mellifluous voices...
    e.g. Soon the room is filled with Bates' mellifluous tones.

mellifluous 单语例句


1. If you use the writing standard of this era, many of the sentences of those writers can indeed be less than mellifluous.

mellifluous 英英释义


1. pleasing to the ear

    e.g. the dulcet tones of the cello

    Synonym: dulcethoneyedmellisonantsweet

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