
memos是什么意思 memos在线翻译 memos什么意思 memos的意思 memos的翻译 memos的解释 memos的发音 memos的同义词 memos的反义词 memos的例句



memos 基本解释

备忘录( memo的名词复数 );内部通知;

memos 网络解释

1. 备忘录:8)使用he and she或his and her,但使用的次数不宜太多. s/he仅可用于备忘录(memos)、便条(notes)或者非正式的交谈之中.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 保存记事本内容:MemoPad Options 保存记事本的设置 | Memos 保存记事本内容 | Message List Options 定义Message界面中信息的显示列表方式

3. 备忘:attachment 附件 | memos 备忘 | term papers 学期论文

4. memos

4. (如办公室用便条、电话留言纸条等):. Letters and faxes(如商业书信、传真、推荐信、求职信等) | . Memos(如办公室用便条、电话留言纸条等) | . Newspaper and magazine articles(如报纸杂志文章、新产品上市、新政策发布等)

memos 单语例句

1. " Hunter stated that he saw Jones inject herself with EPO, " IRS agent Erwin Rogers wrote in one of the memos quoted by the Chronicle.

2. More previously secret memos from the Office of Legal Counsel were released lately.

3. Details of the memos appeared in papers early last month but the news in Britain quickly turned to the election that returned Blair to power.

4. Most of the lawyers'notes and memos have been stamped " top secret " by the government.

5. Two secret legal memos from Bradbury in 2005 authorized the CIA to use head slaps, freezing temperatures and waterboarding when questioning terror detainees.

6. Bush volunteered his thoughts on a report on two secret 2005 memos that authorized extreme interrogation tactics against terror suspects.

7. Cheney reiterated his challenge to President Barack Obama to release several pages of secret memos that Cheney says will prove that harsh interrogations were effective.

8. Cheney seemed even more exercised after Obama released memos detailing how " enhanced interrogation " became a tactic used during the Bush administration.

9. Though both memos remain in effect, the White House insisted they represented no change from the 2004 policy.

10. " Six Memos " has a very colourful presentation in theatre, with the body movements as its sole means of performance.

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