
merchandising是什么意思 merchandising在线翻译 merchandising什么意思 merchandising的意思 merchandising的翻译 merchandising的解释 merchandising的发音

merchandising [ˈmɜ:tʃəndaɪzɪŋ]  [ˈmɜ:rtʃəndaɪzɪŋ] 

merchandising 基本解释


名词商品推销; 销售规划

动词推销(merchandise的ing形式); 经营

merchandising 网络解释

1. 销售规划:营销和销售规划(merchandising)有什么区别? 销售规划作为术语主要应用于零售业,用来描述零售商为了利于销售对于上架商品及其陈列方式的选择. 营销是广泛得多的范畴,销售规划只是其中的一部分活动. .除了销售额下降,

2. merchandising的意思

2. 促销:商品陈列促销(Merchandising)是一门系统的学问,无论是线上B2C网站,还是线下门店都是如此. 举个例子,稍微有规模的超市里面的货架摆放,都有规范. 在门口处,你是看不到大米白面买了就走,一定是在最里面的一间. 如何在网上B2C站点更有效展示产品,从而提升

3. 商品销售:等所产生的授权费又是回到所衍生的直接收益部分,这部份称为商品特许( licensing ),又电影公司本身为搭配其电影上映与相关的商品开发公司合作生产相关的电影商品,这是电影的另一个收益,直接的电影商品销售( merchandising )收益.

4. 销售:执著于优雅的品位:纪梵希(GIVENCHY) 最能表现气质的品牌1995年,Troels.Holch.Povlsen获得了丹麦国家零售业的最高荣誉:MMM奖----表彰在市场营销(Markeing),管理(Management)及销售(Merchandising)方面都有杰出成绩的优秀商业人士.

merchandising 词典解释

1. (与影片、运动队、流行乐队等相关的)附带商品,文化衍生品
    Merchandising consists of goods such as toys and clothes that are linked with something such as a film, sports team, or pop group.

    e.g. We are selling the full range of World Cup merchandising...
    e.g. The club says it will make increasing amounts from merchandising.

2. 推销;商品拓销;销售规划
    Merchandising is used to refer to the way shops and businesses organize the sale of their products, for example the way they are displayed and the prices that are chosen.

    e.g. Company executives say revamped merchandising should help Macy's earnings to grow.

merchandising 单语例句

1. Apart from commercial matches, those clubs have already had some successes in terms of merchandising.

2. In the genteel world of luxury, companies long believed that the Web was no place for merchandising.

3. Halcyon also is concentrating on a merchandising and licensing push for the property.

4. The American merchandising push of his image is a bit of a culture shock for the Chinese goliath.

5. The six people arrested include shop managers, senior merchandising managers and people in charge of the retail and supply operations.

6. Much of their success comes from integrated merchandising, with girls able to buy clothes and accessories to dress themselves like real life versions.

7. Because actors don't own rights to the films in which they appear, revenue comes almost entirely from licensing and merchandising.

8. When they can earn huge amounts of money with simple merchandising tricks, they see no reason to take an uphill path.

9. This is in stark contrast to a typical Western pro sports franchise, which derives a large percentage of its profits from merchandising.

10. PGI also reported developing a comprehensive merchandising program targeting retailers around the country this year.


merchandising 英英释义


1. the exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money

    Synonym: sellingmarketing

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