
merriment是什么意思 merriment在线翻译 merriment什么意思 merriment的意思 merriment的翻译 merriment的解释 merriment的发音 merriment的同义词

merriment [ˈmerimənt]  [ˈmɛrɪmənt] 

merriment 基本解释



merriment 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. His strange new hairstyle was the cause of much merriment.

merriment 网络解释

1. 欢喜:merrily 愉快地 | merriment 欢喜 | merriness 愉快

2. 欢乐:merrily 快乐地 | merriment 欢乐 | merry 快乐的

3. 快乐,嬉戏:Devious 偏僻的,迂回的 | Merriment 快乐,嬉戏 | Purposefulness 意志坚强

4. 欢喜, 嬉戏:(5) Exultation 狂喜, 欢欣 | (6) Merriment 欢喜, 嬉戏 | (7) Overheard 无意中听到, 偷听

merriment 双语例句

1. But no one noticed his lack of sympathy with the general merriment.

2. merriment

2. In addition, the researchers found that the merriment of one person can ripple out and cause happiness in people up to three degrees away: that is, if you`re happy, you increase the chance of joy in your close friend by 25%; a friend of that friend enjoys a 10% increased chance.

3. Wine gives not light hilarity, but noisy merriment

4. I hope my best wishes and genuine yearning will bring you boundless merriment on such a wondful day!

5. But the merriment, this way of talking and drinking which seemed to me to be in the other guests the effects of dissoluteness, habit and duress, appeared with Marguerite to be a need to forget, a restlessness, a nervous reaction.

6. There was a ring of merriment in that splashing, and that was what made it peculiarly sad. One fair-haired young soldier—Prince Andrey knew him—of the third company, with a strap round the calf of his leg, stepped back, crossing himself, to get a good run, and plunge into the water.

7. Yet yet someone talk like with love who be difference also a lot of kind of someone chatting and laughing Rong Yefen possess that partner man laugh possess laugh loved one also possess laugh girl friend we together time plainly see very joyous that you laugh you talk merry that you not at all be true I realize you idea be in fact you be yet really merry is another kind of merry to merry, I really grieveds very much this idea being words this word huring me most is to veto my completely is I am living yours date I the bureau what talks I what act as does not wholly there is whatever sense this is I has hear since to this day to harm most I the words I reckons I be able to bear in mind throughout one's life this word be able to warm always notifys I I be able to give you merriment that is only girl friend always.

8. His pock-marked and wrinkled face, with little slits of eyes, beamed with self-satisfaction and merriment.

9. There was little time, however, for the indulgence of any images of merriment

10. The jarvey joins in the mute pantomimic merriment nodding from the farther seat.

11. At this, Gawain laughed and his blue eyes sparkled with merriment.

12. merriment的解释

12. The downward weight of the internal metal float restricted the flow of warm plum wine if the drinker sucked too feebly, thereby calling an end for his evening of merriment.

13. Mr. Heathcliff followed, his accidental merriment expiring quickly in his habitual moroseness.

14. For the rest of dinner father was silent save for an occasional snuffle of merriment.

15. At first, my presence only added to their general merriment.

16. I prefer to keep a safe distance from all this merriment.

17. This time of year is filled with merriment and marked by special occasions with family and friends.

18. Like a person, the time that is together is the merriment forever

19. Elias, grinning wolfishly, turned and said something to Fengbald; he, too, joined the merriment.

20. I hope my best wishes and genuine yeaning will bring you boundless merriment on such a wonderful day.

merriment 词典解释

1. 欢笑;欢乐
    Merriment means laughter.

merriment 单语例句

1. One segment of the dance is about the merriment surrounding the birth of a child.

2. Restrepo wistfully describes the myriad parades, performances and general merriment that overflow on Colombia's streets during the occasion.

3. Small alleys begin to pulse with merriment - vendors shouting, housewives chatting and children laughing.

4. As a result of all this impending merriment and time off work, the number of people using the transport network skyrockets.

5. The audience cracked up and the merriment lasted for the rest of the hour.

6. Every Jan 26, there is " drinking and merriment " around the world to celebrate what's also called Aussie Day.


merriment 英英释义



1. activities that are enjoyable or amusing

    e.g. I do it for the fun of it
           he is fun to have around

    Synonym: funplayfulness

2. a gay feeling

    Synonym: gaiety

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