
merry是什么意思 merry在线翻译 merry什么意思 merry的意思 merry的翻译 merry的解释 merry的发音 merry的同义词 merry的反义词 merry的例句

merry [ˈmeri]  [ˈmɛri] 


merry 基本解释


形容词愉快的,快活的; 有趣的; [口]微醉的; 生动的

名词甜樱桃; 梅里(姓氏)

merry 同义词

merry 反义词

merry 相关例句


1. A merry Christmas to you!

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. Merry Christmas to you!

3. He is in a very merry mood today.

merry 情景对话


A:Have a Merry Christmas.


B:Thank you.


A:I wish you a Merry Christmas.

B:Thank you.


A:Merry Christmas!

B:Merry Christmas to you, too.

merry 网络解释

1. 欢乐:自Friendly Campus中Campus的英文字母拆字,延伸出来六大主轴:关怀(Care)的校园、艺文(art)的校园、欢乐(merry)的校园、人本(epople-oriented)的校园、独特(unique)的校园、安全(safe)的校园,也是推动本计划的预期目标.

2. merry的意思

2. 梅利:但在毕波和甘道夫斡旋及地精(Goblin)来袭下,人类的汤姆.碰碰迪(Tom Bambadil)的原型就来自于他儿子克里斯托弗是弗洛多和几个朋友皮苹(Pippin)、梅利(Merry)、山姆(Sam)离家踏上了未知的旅程.

merry 词典解释

1. 欢乐的;愉快的;兴高采烈的
    If you describe someone's character or behaviour as merry, you mean that they are happy and cheerful.


    e.g. He was much loved for his merry nature...
    e.g. From the house come the bursts of merry laughter...

Chris threw back his head and laughed merrily.

2. (声音)悦耳的;(景象)令人快乐的
    A merry sound or sight makes you feel cheerful.


    e.g. ...the merry sounds of a seven-piece brass band...
    e.g. She was humming a merry little tune.

3. 微醉的;微醺的
    If you get merry, you get slightly drunk.


    e.g. They went off to Glengarriff to get merry.

4. (表示强调,常有不赞成或幽默之意)
    Some people use merry to emphasize something that they are saying, often when they want to express disapproval or humour.

    e.g. It hasn't stopped the British Navy proceeding on its merry way...
    e.g. In the merry world of American lawyers it is the simplest thing in the world to start an action.

5. see also: merrily

6. 圣诞快乐
    Just before Christmas and on Christmas Day, people say 'Merry Christmas' to other people to express the hope that they will have a happy time.


    e.g. Merry Christmas, everyone...
    e.g. I just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas...

7. 尽情欢乐;寻欢作乐
    If people make merry, they enjoy themselves and have fun, for example by singing, dancing, and drinking together.

    e.g. Neighbours approached their boundaries from opposite sides and made merry together.

8. to lead someone a merry dance -> see dance
    to play merry hell -> see hell

merry 单语例句


1. Make merry during the most wonderful time of the year at Alfa 80's & Santa's " Jingle Bells Rock Party ".

2. Unlike the merry gnomes and hobbits in fairy tales, " little people " in the real world are often sad folks.

3. The traditional Spring Festival is a busy, merry time for family members to get together.

4. New York Harlem Singers are coming to Guangzhou to wish you a merry Christmas.

5. Each toilet has been marked with a hydrogen balloon to ensure merry revellers don't lose their way.

6. Similar cases happen in domestic markets like Wu Mart and Merry Mart.

7. Meeting up with my sister is always a merry occasion, but during our last encounter she hit me with a real sidewinder.

8. We would like to wish the netizens of China Daily website a very merry holiday season and a happy and prosperous new year.

9. Participants raised money and then dressed in revealing Santa outfits and ran through the streets singing and being merry.

10. Soon merry time is over as the wind gathers force and whips up increasingly higher waves.

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