
mesh是什么意思 mesh在线翻译 mesh什么意思 mesh的意思 mesh的翻译 mesh的解释 mesh的发音 mesh的同义词 mesh的反义词 mesh的例句 mesh的相关词组

mesh [meʃ]  [mɛʃ] 


mesh 基本解释

名词网孔,网眼,网状物; 陷阱,困境; [机](齿轮的)啮合

及物/不及物动词(使)吻合; 相配,匹配; 用网捕,使缠住; 紧密配合



mesh 相关词组

1. be in mesh : 互相啮合;

mesh 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 网目:已在高端市场形成了福斯(focus)系列静电消除设备及电子焊接工具类,同时公司以品牌多元化生产、销售static(思帝克)、schneider(斯莱德)两大静电消除设线(line) 网目(mesh) 长(long)

2. mesh什么意思

2. 筛目:因之在SSPC 规范中规定使用16 筛目(mesh)以下粒度之研材,以免影响表面粗度矽砂(Sand)小 40 mesh 50μm须达到最大表面粗度(Rmax)之三倍如下式:如表6-1 才能有效防止钢铁材之早期生锈与腐蚀,

3. 网孔:各行业的护栏混凝土公路机场跑道隧道桥梁管道通信水利发电厂坝基港口江提防护墙仓库等各类工程建设中的钢筋混凝土结构用网等 二、产品图片 三、电焊网片常用规格 电焊网片,卷状长可达30米,宽0.5-3米 Welded Fence Mesh In 30M roll.Width Of 0.5-3M 网孔(Mesh) 英寸(Inch)

4. 网格:3 ) 网格(mesh)名,11 ) 部队栏(troop stack)列表. 每个部队栏是一个三元组,包含以下字段:

5. mesh:medical subject headings; 医学主题词表

mesh 词典解释

1. 网眼织物;网状物
    Mesh is material like a net made from wire, thread, or plastic.

    e.g. The ground-floor windows are obscured by wire mesh.
    e.g. ...a mesh small enough to exclude tiny insects.

2. (使)相匹配;(使)相互协调;(使)吻合
    If two things or ideas mesh or are meshed, they go together well or fit together closely.


    e.g. Their senses of humor meshed perfectly...
    e.g. This of course meshes with the economic philosophy of those on the right...

mesh 单语例句


1. He still drives his old pickup and wears a mesh farm cap - but it's by choice.

2. The zoo added customized steel mesh over the bars, built in a feeding chute and increased the distance between the public and the cats.

3. On those that could not be treated immediately, they welded a sheet of metal mesh under the cover as protection.

4. They have skilled players that play in top European football leagues, but it seems they can never mesh together as a team.

5. A rescuer used scissors to cut around the grille mesh and free Lucky who seems to have sustained no major injuries.

6. He conceived that adding cement would make the pots sturdier, and put his idea into reality by inserting iron mesh into the pots.

7. Bruno wears mesh shirts, talks with a lisp and has a penchant for dropping his pants.

8. Puma had to quickly add a black mesh to meet the requirement.

9. These reviews are to make sure that the broad design, plans and software mesh properly and pass early safety questions.

10. To ensure their protection, every interrogation room must contain a metal mesh separating detainees from interrogators.

mesh 英英释义



1. the act of interlocking or meshing

    e.g. an interlocking of arms by the police held the crowd in check

    Synonym: meshinginterlockinterlocking

2. an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals

    Synonym: netnetworkmeshingmeshwork

3. the topology of a network whose components are all connected directly to every other component

    Synonym: mesh topology

4. contact by fitting together

    e.g. the engagement of the clutch
           the meshing of gears

    Synonym: engagementmeshinginterlocking

5. the number of openings per linear inch of a screen
    measures size of particles

    e.g. a 100 mesh screen
           100 mesh powdered cellulose



1. coordinate in such a way that all parts work together effectively

    Synonym: interlock

2. entangle or catch in (or as if in) a mesh

    Synonym: enmeshensnarl

3. keep engaged

    e.g. engaged the gears

    Synonym: engagelockoperate

4. work together in harmony

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