
midsummer是什么意思 midsummer在线翻译 midsummer什么意思 midsummer的意思 midsummer的翻译 midsummer的解释 midsummer的发音 midsummer的同义词

midsummer [ˌmɪdˈsʌmə(r)]  [ˈmɪdˈsʌmɚ] 

midsummer 基本解释

名词仲夏; 盛夏; 夏至

midsummer 反义词


midsummer 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 仲夏:摩尔有好几幅类似题材的作品都被学院及美术馆收藏,如1866年的<<百合>>(Lilies)藏于威廉姆斯镇的斯特林和弗朗辛.克拉克学院,1875年的<<水珠>>(Beads)藏于爱丁堡的苏格兰国家画廊,1887年的<<仲夏>>(Midsummer)藏于博内茅斯镇的罗

2. 盛夏:mid-season month 季中月 | midsummer 盛夏 | midtropospheric cyclone 中層氣旋

midsummer 双语例句

1. It is hot like it is in midsummer.

2. It's hot like in midsummer.

3. midsummer的解释

3. Midsummer TianYong city vault of heaven always is filling the infinite enticement, deep blue approaches the transparent backdrop, if the ice crystal pure has no time beautifully.

4. For a while I lost sight of Jordan Baker, and then in midsummer I found her again.

5. A Midsummer Night`s Dream is one of Shakespeare`s comedies.

6. midsummer

6. I really enjoy Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream.

7. midsummer

7. Have you ever wondered why people in different cultures have bonfires at midsummer?

8. Whereas, beside the entrance door the oleander quietly continue its circles, while one fall after another open, and one wither till another born. Enjoying in such a pleasantly spring breeze, the rainstorm in midsummer as well as the chilly in late autumn, from which I could not distinguish them from its special flourishing or declining times. From spring to autumn, from primroses to flower of fragrant plantain lily and chrysanthemum, all have their honors of keep it company until the end.

9. Season grass torn from the sorrow pure autumn to winter snow set way, from the Yingge Yan Wu Yu lush warm spring to midsummer.

10. midsummer的翻译

10. Arwen and Aragorn were married on Midsummer's Day and Arwen became Queen of the Reunited Kingdom.

11. He wore a greatcoat in midsummer, being affected with the trembling delirium, and his face was the color of carmine.

12. In all probability, Lucifer will force this distributor to write, again and again, in the blazing heat of Hell`s midsummer, his new title, Sins of Lola Montes, invented in a moment of mundane inspiration. That will not be all.
      不管怎样,路西法肯定会勒令这个发行商,在地狱盛夏的灼人热浪中,一遍又一遍的,抄写他的新片名,Sins of Lola Montes,一个从平庸的灵感瞬间中冒出来的名字。

13. I had dug out the spring and made a well of clear gray water, where I could dip up a pailful without roiling it, and thither I went for this purpose almost every day in midsummer, when the pond was warmest.

14. midsummer在线翻译

14. Was already a morning, reflect on the Zhen through the Lian Long of, but is a little bit dreary ray, not a midsummer divide a pure but gorgeous first sun rays in the morning.

15. Formerly i very like midsummer night!but this year it disgust i!

16. midsummer在线翻译

16. The midsummer-might conjuration around tenyuanye come to light under true love and courage...

17. In the all flowers, I to the wild chrysanthemum feeling have a clock only, although the wild chrysanthemum of autumn of gold there is no peony stylish, the arethusa is tranquil and enjoyable, I feel the winter jasmine, the lotus flower of midsummer of the beautiful mightier than early spring of wild chrysanthemum, the 腊 plum of cold winter, all right the teacher's heart.

18. Midsummer season, the great tide, the waves hit the rocks, and stirred up a dozen meters high Xuelang, vocal; autumn when water Jingbo-Haitian same color, people water; winter wrapped in silver makeup, blue sea, Fisherman fishing, there are other more fantastic.

19. midsummer的近义词

19. If you want to avoid sunstroke, the comfortable climate in midsummer on Ali Mountain will be a good choice.

20. The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at midsummer, and then goes away.

midsummer 词典解释

1. 仲夏
    Midsummer is the period in the middle of the summer.


    e.g. In midsummer every town is impossibly crowded...
    e.g. It was a lovely midsummer morning.

midsummer 单语例句

1. In midsummer, the clouds are like a sea and the springs fly.

2. Performed in English with Chinese subtitles, it follows on the heels of successful productions of Macbeth and A Midsummer Night's Dream.

3. In midsummer of Yuanjiang, you can taste the fragrant mangos and experience the fascinating Golden Mango Festival.

4. In A Midsummer Night's Dream, the Queen of the Fairies falls in love with a man with a donkey's head!

5. Midsummer is a season when life blooms and a dynamic new Tianjin welcomes friends and guests from all over to come and enjoy the season.

6. The phone designers say they are addressing the concerns, with an eye toward having the phone ready by midsummer.

7. The chilly and torrid periods in midwinter and midsummer are relatively short.

8. According to tradition, our ancestors believed the hot weather in midsummer might cause various diseases.

9. Beijing Playhouse's first children's theater workshop will see young dramatists perform A Midsummer Night's Dream.

10. I remember A Midsummer Night's Dream with a handful of ropes that were meant to be the forest.

midsummer 英英释义



1. June 21, when the sun is at its northernmost point

    Synonym: summer solsticeJune 21

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