
migrant是什么意思 migrant在线翻译 migrant什么意思 migrant的意思 migrant的翻译 migrant的解释 migrant的发音 migrant的同义词 migrant的反义词

migrant [ˈmaɪgrənt]  [ˈmaɪɡrənt] 


migrant 基本解释


名词候鸟; 移居者,移民; 随季节迁移的工作者; 迁移动物

形容词移居的; 流浪的; 同“migratory”

migrant 相关例句


1. Migrant workers move from city to city in search of work.

migrant 网络解释

1. 移民:宗座移民与旅行委员负责向迁徙人士表达教会的关心,此委员会就用前面提到的名词'移民'(migrant) 来代表人类所有的迁移现象. '移民'这个名词,首先是指为了追求自由和安全感而到国外的难民和流亡者. 然而它也指到国外唸书的年轻人,

2. 候鸟:候鸟(migrant)每年随季节的不同,在繁殖区和越冬区之间进行迁居的鸟类. 其中春夏季飞来繁殖,秋季南去越冬的鸟类称为夏候鸟,如家燕、黄鹂等;秋季飞来越冬,春季北去繁殖的鸟类称为冬候鸟,如大雁、野鸭等. 又如黄胸鹀等于每年春季飞往我国以北地区繁殖,

3. migrant

3. 移居者:在这个面向上,后现代主义对移居者(migrant)的崇拜甚至已经到了使他们听起来比摇滚明星还要令人羡慕的地步. 然而,这不过是一种太过自大的想法,是现代主义崇拜放逐的宿醉,是轻视偏狭群从的邪恶艺术家把自己被迫的放逐转化为菁英式美德的作法.

4. 迁徒动物:migrainous 偏头痛 | migrant 迁徒动物 | migrant 移居者

migrant 词典解释

1. (尤指为寻找工作而迁移的)移民,移居者;流动工人
    A migrant is a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work.

    e.g. The government divides asylum-seekers into economic migrants and genuine refugees.
    e.g. ...migrant workers following harvests northward.

2. 候鸟;迁徙动物
    Migrants are birds, fish, or animals that migrate from one part of the world to another.

    e.g. Migrant birds shelter in the reeds.

migrant 单语例句

1. But then the authorities should take measures to ensure migrant workers get train tickets without all the hassles and tensions.

2. They moved to the city as migrant workers, but then the trouble started.

3. If the media hadn't discovered his story by accident, he would still be working anonymously as a migrant worker.

4. Protecting the health of migrant workers by all possible means presents a challenge for the authorities in the city where they work.

5. She manages to earn about 500 yuan a month by dividing her house into small rooms and renting them out to migrant workers.

6. He said migrant people were allowed for the first time to vote in Beijing, with a certificate of qualified voters issued by the authority of their hometown.

7. Another migrant Gan Xiaobo told Xinhua that by bus the way of 100 kilometers just took an hour.

8. Migrant workers from rural areas of Chongqing go back to work by train to coastal provinces like Guangdong and Zhejiang after a holiday.

9. Migrant workers account for 60 per cent of passengers returning to their hometowns by train from Fuzhou during the Spring Festival.

10. Local media report no more than one million migrant workers arrived in Guangzhou by train in the first week following the Spring Festival.

migrant 英英释义



1. traveler who moves from one region or country to another

    Synonym: migrator



1. habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work

    e.g. appalled by the social conditions of migrant life
           migratory workers

    Synonym: migratory

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