
mike是什么意思 mike在线翻译 mike什么意思 mike的意思 mike的翻译 mike的解释 mike的发音 mike的同义词 mike的反义词 mike的例句 mike的相关词组

mike [maɪk]  [maɪk] 


mike 基本解释





mike 网络解释

1. 贺军翔:热 搜:贺军翔(Mike)部落格 | 贺军翔(Mike)blog | 贺军翔(Mike)网志 | 贺军翔(Mike)资料2003.07月. . . 蓝哥牛仔裤(Wrangler)冬季服装目录<第一次拍广告目录>

2. 麦克风:(不允许) 21 更改密码管理级:不能用此类数字、技术级:4321 22 设置用户开/关 背景音乐(BGM) 开免打扰(DND) 开门口机(DOOR) 开寻线(HUNT) 关麦克风(MIKE) 开使用寻呼(PAGE USE)开接收寻呼(PAGE RECEIVE) 开计费打印(SMDR)开

mike 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. He seems overmatched and nervous. Henn is a nice kid who tries hard but has a 7.53 career ERA over parts of three seasons. Wright allowed a home run to Mike Lowell in April that just now landed on the Mass Pike. That was the end of him.
    他看来实力有段差距并且容易紧张;Sean Henn是个努力的好孩子,但他3个球季的ERA 高达7.53;Chase Wright在四月份被红袜的Mike Lowell打的那支全垒打搞不好现在还留在Mass Pike。

2. When Mike's photography portfolio wins him a partial scholarship to NYU, he must figure out how to balance his tight knit Italian neighborhood roots in Bay Ridge with the opportunity to emerge into the expansive, sophisticated world on the other side of the East River.
    当Mike的摄影为他赢得了去NYU的奖学金时,他必须弄清楚如何去平衡他的??与进入广阔,复杂的世界East River的机会。

3. We didn`t have the budget to build all the cars we designed, so Mike Knapp came up with a basic round pod that we would tweak a number of different ways.
    我们没有钱把所有的汽车设计都制造出来,所以Mike Knapp 找来一些圆豆荚,我们把它们拧成许多不同的形状,这简直是太有创意了。

4. Don`t worry, Mike and I have got everything under control.
    别担心,Mike 和我把这里打点的很好。

5. Tom and I think we can be friends, but Mike likes boast very much.

6. Mike: Of the other players who make cameos with our band, who is the best?
    MIKE 问:对于和我们合作过的其他网球手,谁是最好的?

7. Presiding apparitor holds blizzard recreation concurrently associated author Mike Morhaime expresses, Netease is one of cacique of Chinese game industry, we expect move and Netease cooperate, the player that is China is brought more the recreational experience of high quality.
    暴雪娱乐首席执行官兼联合创始人Mike Morhaime表示,网易是中国游戏行业的领袖之一,我们期待着与网易合作,为中国的玩家带来更高质量的娱乐体验。

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. To this bilateral collaboration, presiding apparitor holds blizzard recreation concurrently associated author Mike Morhaime expresses, netease is one of cacique of Chinese game industry, we expect move and Netease cooperate, collaboration proved we are right the long-term commitment of Chinese market.
    对于双方的此次合作,暴雪娱乐首席执行官兼联合创始人Mike Morhaime表示,网易是中国游戏行业的领袖之一,我们期待着与网易合作,合作证明了我们对中国市场的长期承诺。

9. Mike public safety the top priority. It's been years since any hazardous- waste site as dramatic as Love Canal has been discovered.

10. If you want a sample case, I was working on the teaser for Monsters Inc. Mike does a gesture and then drops his arm.

11. mike的反义词

11. This is my take on Mike Wasowski and Celia Welia from Monsters Inc. I had to rinse the ashes off from all the fires the past couple of days to take this picture.
      这是我考虑的迈克Wasowski和Celia Welia从怪物公司我要冲洗的骨灰从所有的火灾在过去几天内采取此图片。

12. In this addition Mike and Althea tackle T. O., Tank Johnson and Allen Iverson...

13. Third base umpire Mike Reilly originally signaled home run, but shortstop Derek Jeter argued and the umps quickly huddled before reversing the call—foul ball.

14. Mike Doodson) Can you pull out at the end of this year?

15. mike的意思

15. Mike Doodson) This is a question for all four of you about pit stops.

16. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

16. Mike Doodson) So which is your favourite corner?

17. Mike Doodson) Question for Jean: Kimi's tattoo I wonderif he asked you before the work was done in Melbourneand if he didn't ask, what advice would you, or your sponsors, have given him?

18. Mike Doodson) Question for Jean: Kimi`s tattoo – I wonder if he asked you before the work was done in Melbourne and if he didn`t ask, what advice would you, or your sponsors, have given him?

19. Mike: So Barb, what do you do?

20. In contrast to Mike's roadster, this car was made from miscellaneous scrap parts from the RC toolbox.

mike 词典解释

1. 同 microphone
    A mike is the same as a microphone .

mike 单语例句

1. " We had no business winning that game, " Cavaliers coach Mike Brown told reporters.

2. Roddick's play plummeted Tuesday after he chastised chair umpire Mike Morrissey for overruling a call in the second set.

3. Mike Carp singled home the game's only run on Saturday, then went to California after the game for the birth of his daughter.

4. He appeared in a US Sports Center TV commercial dressed in a Miami police uniform, rescuing " Mike the Tiger " from a tree.

5. " We've got to get him checked out by the experts, " Red Wings coach Mike Babcock said.

6. That person turned out to be the wife of McLaren chief designer Mike Coughlan.

7. Stepney was accused of passing Ferrari information to McLaren chief designer Mike Coughlan, who has since been suspended by the world championship leaders.

8. McLaren last week suspended chief designer Mike Coughlan, formally named with his wife Trudy in a High Court hearing on Tuesday.

9. Ferrari suspect Stepney has denied the accusation of passing information to McLaren's now suspended chief designer Mike Coughlan.

10. Ford spokesman Mike Moran and Chrysler spokeswoman Linda Becker deferred comment to the trade group, and messages were left for two Chrysler spokeswomen Wednesday evening.

mike 英英释义


1. device for converting sound waves into electrical energy

    Synonym: microphone

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