
miller是什么意思 miller在线翻译 miller什么意思 miller的意思 miller的翻译 miller的解释 miller的发音 miller的同义词 miller的反义词 miller的例句

miller 基本解释

名词(尤指面粉厂的)厂主; 磨房主; 碾磨工; [昆]蛾


miller 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 密勒:字型为14 点粗体. (2)中段落之标明(Level two heading)应置於每行之最左方,字型为12 点. (3)小段落之标明(Level three heading)应依照中段落向右一格处开始,字型为12 点. 1.中文稿: 密勒(Miller) 曾以横断面之复回归模式

2. 美乐公司:例如,在美国的啤酒业中,安海斯-布希公司(Anheuser-Busch)领先于美乐公司(Miller),而后者是一家包装食品集团公司的一部分;拥有多项分支业务的摩托罗拉(Motorola)和爱立信(Ericsson)在移动电话方面位居诺基亚(Nokia)之后;

3. miller的翻译

3. 铣床:lathe车床 | miller铣床 | grinder磨床

miller 词典解释

1. 磨坊主;开磨粉厂的人
    A miller is a person who owns or operates a mill in which grain is crushed to make flour.

miller 单语例句

1. Miller is trying to raise money to buy out Yahoo, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

2. Portland led by four at the break when officials ruled Miller's reverse layup beat the halftime buzzer.

3. George Miller is already on board as director, with the script being penned by Kieran and Michele Mulroney.

4. American supermodel Marisa Miller has knocked actress Lindsay Lohan from the top of men magazine Maxim's list of the 100 hottest women in the world.

5. Cate Blanchett is rumoured to replace Sienna Miller in'Nottingham'.

6. Miller's shooting performance overshadowed 21 points for Charlotte rookie Adam Morrison as the Bobcats remained winless through the first two games.

7. Gazprom chief executive Alexei Miller told a management meeting that Gazprom would be pumping additional gas to European customers via pipelines that circumvent Ukraine.

8. Richardson could concentrate on scoring after being freed from the chore of guarding Miller.

9. Organizer Suzy Miller said the event would aim to focus on the positive, starting with a warming cup of tea and a chunk of homemade cake.

10. Miller continually made Houston pay for clogging up the middle with Yao.

miller 英英释义



1. any of various moths that have powdery wings

    Synonym: moth miller

2. machine tool in which metal that is secured to a carriage is fed against rotating cutters that shape it

    Synonym: milling machine

3. someone who works in a mill (especially a grain mill)

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