
miniature是什么意思 miniature在线翻译 miniature什么意思 miniature的意思 miniature的翻译 miniature的解释 miniature的发音 miniature的同义词

miniature [ˈmɪnətʃə(r)]  [ˈmɪniəˌtʃʊr, -tʃɚ, ˈmɪnə-] 


miniature 基本解释


名词微型复制品; 微小模型; 微型画; 微型人像画

及物动词使成小型; 把…画成纤细画; 缩写

miniature 相关词组

1. in miniature : 小型, 小规模;

miniature 相关例句


1. The little girl has miniature furniture for her dolls.


1. Mr.Hunter collects early English miniatures.

2. He has a miniature of the Eiffel Tower on his desk.

miniature 网络解释

1. 细密画:细密画(miniature)是波斯(现今伊朗一带)艺术的重要门类,始于<<古兰经>>的边饰图案. 主要用作书籍的插图及封面和扉页上的装饰图案. 随着时代的变化,它们有的画在羊皮纸上,有的画在纸上,也有的画在书籍封面的象牙板或木板上,形式不一.

2. miniature的近义词

2. 缩影:3.在后期制作(Post Production)期间,在显像或光学处理过程中利用特殊处理办法;3 缩影(Miniature)摄影在几年前,当数码摄像机具备数码相机的功能时,USB接口就开始出现在数码摄像机上,并扮演着传输静态照片到电脑上的功能.

3. 微型画:有些职业的抄写者也是艺术家,他们的微型画(miniature)成了传布艺术观念的一种方法. 只有识字的精英才会使用原稿及抄本,而上面的彩饰被教堂的壁画家、彩窗工人、雕刻家、石匠及其他的工匠细查且利用. 这些工匠从12世纪初开始从事庞大的建筑与改建计划,

miniature 词典解释

1. 微小的;(尤指)微型的,微缩版的
    Miniature is used to describe something which is very small, especially a smaller version of something which is normally much bigger.

    e.g. ...miniature roses...
    e.g. He looked like a miniature version of his handsome and elegant big brother.

2. 微型的;缩微的
    If you describe one thing as another thing in miniature, you mean that it is much smaller in size or scale than the other thing, but is otherwise exactly the same.


    e.g. Ecuador provides a perfect introduction to South America; it's a continent in miniature...
    e.g. If it can be done full-size, I can do it in miniature.

3. (常指人物的)微型画,袖珍画像
    A miniature is a very small detailed painting, often of a person.


4. 小瓶装烈酒
    A miniature is a very small bottle of strong alcohol such as whisky or brandy, and usually contains enough for one or two drinks.

miniature 单语例句

1. The new approach uses a miniature camera mounted on the earpiece of a person's eyeglasses, which projects a minified outline version of a wider visual field.

2. Guo learned the art of miniature carving in 1965 and can carve a flower on a grain of rice and other tiny things.

3. A small blue certificate with a miniature Chinese national emblem on the cover authorized them to watch the local papers for one year.

4. I have seen some modern versions, which are really nothing more than miniature barbecues with adjustable racks to control the heat.

5. If you walk further to the side lawn, you'll come upon phalanxes of miniature sculptures.

6. The island is covered with verdure and many miniature landscapes shaped by seawater corrosion.

7. His site offers instructions on how to build a miniature PC in a beer crate.

8. Surrounded by cypress trees and pines, the miniature peak is constructed of limestone from Taihu Lake.

9. The miniature dachshund's ashes were sprinkled on New York's Bleecker Street, where he took his daily walks.

10. Dad was a particularly skilful modeller he could produce fantastic miniature figures of animals from sweet wrappers.


miniature 英英释义


1. a copy that reproduces a person or thing in greatly reduced size

    Synonym: toy

2. painting or drawing included in a book (especially in illuminated medieval manuscripts)

    Synonym: illumination



1. being on a very small scale

    e.g. a miniature camera

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