
minimize是什么意思 minimize在线翻译 minimize什么意思 minimize的意思 minimize的翻译 minimize的解释 minimize的发音 minimize的同义词

minimize [ˈmɪnɪmaɪz]  [ˈmɪnəˌmaɪz] 


minimize 基本解释

及物动词把…减至最低数量[程度]; 对(某事物)作最低估计,极力贬低(某事物)的价值[重要性]; 极度轻视

minimize 同义词

minimize 反义词


minimize 网络解释

1. 降低:詹森和麦克林则进一步从各层面经济的关系,剖析代理问题的成因,并探讨、寻找各种降低(minimize )因代理问题所带来成本的策略 . 而后者正是公司治理的核心问题所在.

2. 極小化:学术之所以可以有自由,不是因为学者有较高的学历,而是因为他们被训练出较高且较敏锐的自制能力,足以极小化(minimize)这个特权对他人任何可预见与不可预见的伤害.

minimize 词典解释

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 minimise

1. 使减至最低程度;使保持最低程度
    If you minimize a risk, problem, or unpleasant situation, you reduce it to the lowest possible level, or prevent it increasing beyond that level.

    e.g. Concerned people want to minimize the risk of developing cancer...
    e.g. Many of these problems can be minimised by sensible planning.

2. 对…轻描淡写;使显得不重要
    If you minimize something, you make it seem smaller or less significant than it really is.


    e.g. Some have minimized the importance of ideological factors...
    e.g. At his trial, he tried to minimize his behavior.

3. 把(计算机屏幕上的窗口)最小化
    If you minimize a window on a computer screen, you make it very small, because you do not want to use it.

    e.g. Click the square icon again to minimize the window.

minimize 单语例句

1. It will manufacture products for the company's globally recognized KTM brand, enabling customers around the world to improve business efficiency and minimize risk.

2. Zhou's call came a day after Chinese President Hu Jintao stressed the need to maximize factors conducive to harmony and minimize those detrimental to it.

3. Local retailers are reducing their supply to minimize losses as rising wholesale prices cancel out almost all of their profits.

4. It intends to break the global and regional strategic balance, minimize other countries'capability of strategic counterattack during emergencies and squeeze their strategic space.

5. He is hardly the only tech industry insider cashing in to minimize his financial risk in case the value of private companies starts heading down.

6. But first, one has to identify the causative agents and minimize exposure to them.

7. The central government took emergency measures to minimize the impact of the water pollution.

8. Chile is situated on one of the world's most active fault lines and through experience has developed many technologies to minimize the impact of earthquakes.

9. The Ministry of Environmental Protection on Tuesday urged its local bureaus to closely monitor the disposal of contaminated dairy products to minimize pollution.

10. China has encouraged steelmakers to build factories in coastal areas to take advantage of ports to minimize the purchasing cost of iron ores.

minimize 英英释义



1. make small or insignificant

    e.g. Let's minimize the risk

    Synonym: minimise

2. represent as less significant or important

    Synonym: understateminimisedownplay

3. cause to seem less serious
    play down

    e.g. Don't belittle his influence

    Synonym: belittledenigratederogate

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