
minuet是什么意思 minuet在线翻译 minuet什么意思 minuet的意思 minuet的翻译 minuet的解释 minuet的发音 minuet的同义词 minuet的反义词 minuet的例句

minuet [ˌmɪnjuˈet]  [ˌmɪnjuˈɛt] 


minuet 基本解释

名词小步舞曲; 小步舞; 米奴哀舞; 米奴哀舞曲


minuet 网络解释

1. 小步舞曲::<<小步舞曲>>(Minuet)选自E大调弦乐五重奏Op.13 No.5 Haydn海顿:<<小夜曲>>选自F大调第17四重奏 Schubert舒伯特: A大调钢琴五重奏<<鳟鱼>>(Die Forelle / Trout)第四乐章 Tchaikovsky柴科夫斯基:<<如歌的行板>>(Andante Cantabile)选自D大调第一弦乐四重奏 独奏曲: 小提琴

2. 梅吕哀舞曲:1.格雷果圣歌(Gregorian Chant)是(1)单音音乐(2)复音音乐(3)主音音乐(4)无调音乐13.最先以诙谐(Scherzo)取代奏鸣曲中之梅吕哀舞曲(Minuet)的作曲家是

3. 巴哈小步舞曲:01.Minuet 巴哈小步舞曲 | 02.A Whiter Shade Of Pale 蒼白的蔭影 | 03.Besame Mucho 莫吝吻

4. minuet的反义词

4. 小步舞曲(二级):09 车尔尼练习曲(二级)Czerny's etude | 10 小步舞曲(二级)Minuet | 11 小牛(三级)Calf

minuet 双语例句

1. Balls have featured Minuet, Quadrille, Polonaise, Pas de Gras, Mazurka, and other popular dances of the day, which are considered to be historical dances.

2. At 5 years old, he composed a minuet.

3. The minuet creatures can cause a lot of damage and, if you have them, you want to know it so that you can do something about it.

4. Minuet of Don Giovanni he's playing now.

5. The middle section of a minuet or scherzo, a march, or of various dance forms.

6. I'll be back in a minuet.

7. She is the one who cherish every minuet together with me.

8. minuet

8. It is a20 minuet walk to the bus stop.

9. The diplomatic minuet is taking place after China sharply increased trade with North Korea over the past four years.

10. Water in the vicinity of protein dances something more like a minuet.

11. A stately piece of music composed for dancing the minuet; often incorporated into a sonata or suite.

12. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

12. They are extremely valuable to study and refer to, and greatly affective to the posterities. All of the styles were known as Sonatas by the musician, but the styles indicated by the musician himself were Minuet, Fuga, Gavota, Pastoral, Capriccio, Gegue and Toccata. Through posterities analyzing, summing and indicating, and the writer's analyzing and studying, the styles defined evidently are Pavan, Bourree, Ricercare, Sarabande, Allemande and Courante.

13. They are extremely valuable to study and refer to, and greatly affective to the posterities. All of the styles were known as Sonatas by the musician, but the styles indicated by the musician himself were Minuet, Fuga, Gavota, Pastoral, Capriccio, Gegue and Toccata. Through posterities analyzing, summing and indicating, and the writers analyzing and studying, the styles defined evidently are Pavan, Bourree, Ricercare, Sarabande, Allemande and Courante.

14. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

14. When he was only five years old, he wrote a wonderful piano solo, called a minuet.

15. I wonder if she'd like to learn the minuet.

16. He stepped a minuet gravely and gracefully.

17. minuet

17. We left off our last lesson with the more intimate steps of the minuet.

18. minuet

18. A spirited court dance, popular in France and England in the17th and18th centuries, resembling a minuet but faster.

19. They were dancing to the strains of boccherini's minuet.

20. A study found that listening to a minuet - a specific style of classical dance music - composed by Mozart increased the ability of both young and elderly people to concentrate and complete a task.

minuet 词典解释

1. (流行于17、18世纪的)米奴哀舞曲;小步舞曲
    In the music of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, a minuet is a piece of music with three beats in a bar which is played at moderate speed.


2. 米奴哀舞;小步舞
    A minuet is a fairly slow and formal dance which was popular in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

minuet 英英释义


1. a stately court dance in the 17th century

2. a stately piece of music composed for dancing the minuet
    often incorporated into a sonata or suite

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