
mire是什么意思 mire在线翻译 mire什么意思 mire的意思 mire的翻译 mire的解释 mire的发音 mire的同义词 mire的反义词 mire的例句 mire的相关词组

mire [ˈmaɪə(r)]  [maɪr] 


mire 基本解释



mire 网络解释

1. 泥潭:泥潭(Mire)的测试测试魔法抗性是否对泥潭(Mire)免疫. 『施法次数1次以上就代表有魔法抗性』下面是戴上强烈否定指环(Ring of Greater Negation)的测试结果这就是我对泥潭(Mire)魔法的测试,我能想到的都测试了.

2. 沼泽:.沼泽(mire) 土壤常为水所饱和,其表层生长着沼生和湿生植物,下层有潜育层或存在着泥炭化和腐殖化过程的地段. 由于沼泽的成因和类型随自然条件不同而有很大差异,不同的学者从各学科角度出发,赋予沼泽的定义不尽相同. 有的认为,

3. 土的分类淤泥:3. 土的分类有机质土organic soil | 3. 土的分类淤泥muck, gyttja, mire, slush | 3. 土的分类淤泥质土mucky soil

4. 泥沼:miran米兰系统 | mire泥沼 | miriness泥泞

mire 词典解释

1. 泥潭;困境;艰难处境
    You can refer to an unpleasant or difficult situation as a mire of some kind.


    e.g. ...a mire of poverty and ignorance.

2. 灰尘;烂泥;污泥
    Mire is dirt or mud.

    e.g. ...the muck and mire of sewers and farm- yards.

mire 单语例句

1. Blumenthal's advice appears particularly inopportune at a time when the two countries need to close ranks in order to walk out of the economic mire.

2. Workers also installed drainage equipment in the mire as well as cutting water supplies to surrounding areas to prevent any water from seeping in.

3. Freeing the two countries of the historical mire of the bilateral relations, it has taken the ties to an unparalleled high level.

4. It was Yu's daughter who eventually got her out of the mire.

5. Some people in the West say China has already become the engine pulling the world economy out of the mire of the global economic crisis.

6. But as he raised the little animal up to Chen Shuchang, he suddenly collapsed and fell back into the mire.

7. After decades of bureaucratic abuse, our schools are deep in the mire of bureaucratic red tape.

8. They are intended to help other countries get out of the financial mire at the earliest possible date.

9. The more serious aspect is that they are bogged down in the mire of local vested interests.

10. This marked a responsible attitude and indicated a hope for the US to step out of the mire.

mire 英英释义


1. a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot

    Synonym: quagmirequagmorassslack

2. a difficulty or embarrassment that is hard to extricate yourself from

    e.g. the country is still trying to climb out of the mire left by its previous president
           caught in the mire of poverty

3. deep soft mud in water or slush

    e.g. they waded through the slop

    Synonym: slop



1. soil with mud, muck, or mire

    e.g. The child mucked up his shirt while playing ball in the garden

    Synonym: muckmudmuck up

2. be unable to move further

    e.g. The car bogged down in the sand

    Synonym: grind to a haltget stuckbog down

3. cause to get stuck as if in a mire

    e.g. The mud mired our cart

    Synonym: bog down

4. entrap

    e.g. Our people should not be mired in the past

    Synonym: entangle

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