
mispronounced是什么意思 mispronounced在线翻译 mispronounced什么意思 mispronounced的意思 mispronounced的翻译 mispronounced的解释 mispronounced的发音



mispronounced 基本解释


发错音( mispronounce的过去式和过去分词 );

mispronounced 双语例句

1. A lot of our designs are decision-making it is to suffer cognitive psychology institute to drive, for example, this research shows people is online read white bottom black word to want to compare black ground wrongly written or mispronounced character to be gotten quickly much, lampwick substance style should compare save effort of line line font.

2. Dry website editor is really very insipid vivid, just go everyday mechanical stickup and duplicate, because Olympic Games China is returned in those days, be a way station, need not consider what copyright, the director says to be in charge of his what copyright, you wanted good good much hair to go only, so in those days is so stickup and duplicate, although salary is drab, but I return work manner active, although stickup and duplicate I also should be treated seriously, so caption is mixed format, the sky between paragraph and paragraph goes, literal join, the examination of wrongly written or mispronounced characters I am done seriously.

3. To make matters worse, he mispronounced her name.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. I've mispronounced the character.

5. I had difficulty understanding him because he mispronounced a lot of words.

6. You've mispronounced this word.

7. You've mispronounced the word.

8. You`ve mispronounced one word.

9. mispronounced什么意思

9. So thanks to this chance retasting, 1838 saw the UK`s best-known sauce launched, and the name of Worcestershire Sauce (originally called just Worcester Sauce), has spread to be mispronounced by many a foreigner in every corner of this spherical world.
    当然,和任何一个本土产品的英文翻译一样。它的介绍十分搞笑,甚至于用到了Human being这样的高档词汇。一瓶辣酱油一直到了触及Human being的程度,那也是相当厉害了。

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. He repeatedly mispronounced words and slurred his speech.

11. The paper has summarized and defined common problems in the title, structural layers, table format, use of area unit, wrongly written or mispronounced in agricultural sci-tech papers, and analyzed them by combination practice with the investigation.

12. In the comments below the news release, a lot of people complained about mispronounced characters, and the glossary, but the acknowledgements really cheered me up.

13. President Kennedy deliberately mispronounced Laos as " Lay-os ", lest Americans think he wanted to go to war with a small bug.

14. Marketers try to overcome the problem of easily mispronounced brand names by teaching consumers how to pronounce them correctly.

15. mispronounced的近义词

15. You mispronounced two of five characters.

16. Talking about analyzing words on " nine more one less " and three-side erosion The pathogen and treatment of written or mispronounced characters; Causes and strategy of diagnosis treatment of biliary complications after orthotopic liver transplantation

17. With the development of TCFL, the predecessor has achieved a certain development in Chinese analysis and research. Compare to the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, the research of wrongly written or mispronounced characters is much less.

18. With nine letter and four syllables, the tongue-twisting " phenomenon " has been named as the most mispronounced word in the English language.

19. mispronounced

19. That writes horizontal question namely, but our affix one's seal, then we recognized the thing of this wrongly written or mispronounced characters, but we do not allow to work violate the thing of compasses.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. But you mispronounced a word.

mispronounced 单语例句

1. Wang mispronounced the word " sell ", and it sounded like " buy " to the people.

2. It's probably the most mispronounced name in all of show business.

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