
mitigation是什么意思 mitigation在线翻译 mitigation什么意思 mitigation的意思 mitigation的翻译 mitigation的解释 mitigation的发音 mitigation的同义词

mitigation [ˌmɪtɪˈgeɪʃn]  [ˌmɪtɪˈɡeɪʃn] 

mitigation 基本解释


mitigation 网络解释

1. 缓解:霍尔德仑也指出了实现这些目标的经济困难所在,即不论对气候变化形势实施的缓解(mitigation)措施采用哪种方式,成本都将随着时间的推移而不断上升. 而这就需要建立一个政策框架使人们做出实现这些目标的选择. 2009年5月15日,

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 缓和:美国联邦安全委员会认为危机管理包括四方面内容:缓和(Mitigation)、预防(Preparation)、反应(Response)和恢复(Recovery)[4]. 相比之下,目前中国尚没有建立一个独立和常设的危机管理协调机制,也未曾建立一个常设的、强有力的危机管理的中枢指挥系统.

3. mitigation的反义词

3. 减缓:糖转化酒精效率达92%. 未来将持续进行酦酵最适化条件之探讨,降低淀粉前处理成本、减少部分耗能,回用酵母菌体与利用酦酵废液,以降低生产成本. (2007年9月)暖化及气候变迁现象的主要策略有两项:减缓(Mitigation)与调

mitigation 词典解释

1. 为减轻罪责;为从轻处置;为了开脱
    If someone, especially in a court, is told something in mitigation, they are told something that makes a crime or fault easier to understand and excuse.

    e.g. Kieran Coonan QC told the judge in mitigation that the offences had been at the lower end of the scale...
    e.g. In mitigation, it should be pointed out that there wasn't much incentive to make world-beating wine.

2. 减轻;缓解;缓和
    Mitigation is a reduction in the unpleasantness, seriousness, or painfulness of something.

    e.g. ...the mitigation or cure of a physical or mental condition.

mitigation 单语例句

1. " The altitude of Quito made matters difficult, " added Dunga by way of mitigation in a news conference Monday.

2. Changes of this magnitude will require substantial additional finance for adaptation and mitigation, and for strategically intensified research to scale up promising approaches and explore bold new ideas.

3. The Chinese climate official also stressed that finance support for developing countries'adaptation and mitigation of climate change is another important issue here in Doha.

4. The Chinese climate official also stressed that finance support for developing countries'adaptation and mitigation of climate change is another important issue in Doha.

5. Mitigation of climate change is a long and arduous challenge, while adaptation to it is a more present and imminent task for developing countries.

6. China is also willing share its experiences and developing cooperative projects with developing countries in mitigation and adaptation of climate change.

7. China is also willing to share its experiences and developing cooperative projects with developing countries in mitigation and adaptation of climate change.

8. Proactive climate change mitigation and adaptation are the strategies taken to benefit human beings and all the countries challenged by climate change.

9. The agreement was part of a bid for participants to cooperate on building provincial capacities for climate change mitigation and adaptation.

10. Malik urges the country to address both mitigation and adaptation on the issue of climate change.

mitigation 英英释义



1. the action of lessening in severity or intensity

    e.g. the object being control or moderation of economic depressions

    Synonym: moderation

2. to act in such a way as to cause an offense to seem less serious

    Synonym: extenuationpalliation

3. a partial excuse to mitigate censure
    an attempt to represent an offense as less serious than it appears by showing mitigating circumstances

    Synonym: extenuation

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