
mixed是什么意思 mixed在线翻译 mixed什么意思 mixed的意思 mixed的翻译 mixed的解释 mixed的发音 mixed的同义词 mixed的反义词 mixed的例句

mixed [mɪkst]  [mɪkst] 


mixed 基本解释

形容词混合的,混杂的; 男女混合的; 〈口〉头脑混乱的; 形形色色的

动词混合(mix的过去式和过去分词); (使)结交

mixed 同义词


mixed 反义词



mixed 网络解释

1. 混合性:指呼吸暂时停止历时10秒或10秒以上. 根据呼吸道气流 (airflow) 与呼吸肌收缩之有无,可分类为: (1) 阻塞性 (obstructive) , (2) 中枢性 (central) , (3) 混合性 (mixed) 三种. 泛指生理或心理的亢奋程度.

2. 混合组:2007年11月2日至4日,上海国际触碰式橄榄球邀请赛在上海浦东橄榄球俱乐部举行,来自全国各地的28支球队进行了混合组(Mixed)和公开组(Open)两个项目的角逐,最终北京钟馗橄榄球俱乐部派出的男子队获得了分量最重的公开组赛事冠军.

mixed 词典解释

1. (感情)矛盾的,复杂的,交错的
    If you have mixed feelings about something or someone, you feel uncertain about them because you can see both good and bad points about them.

    e.g. I came home from the meeting with mixed feelings...
    e.g. There has been a very mixed reaction to the decision.

2. (人)混合的,混杂的,形形色色的
    A mixed group of people consists of people of many different types.

    e.g. I found a very mixed group of individuals some of whom I could relate to and others with whom I had very little in common...
    e.g. The community is very mixed, not least because there are plenty of small industrial enterprises.

3. 不同种族混合的
    Mixed is used to describe something that involves people from two or more different races.


    e.g. ...a woman of mixed race...
    e.g. She had attended a racially mixed school.

4. 男女同校的;男女合住的
    Mixed education or accommodation is intended for both males and females.

    e.g. Girls who have always been at a mixed school know how to stand up for themselves...
    e.g. The spa has 6 indoor pools, 2 for women only, 2 for men only, and 2 for mixed bathing.

5. 混合的;什锦的
    Mixed is used to describe something which includes or consists of different things of the same general kind.

    e.g. ...a small mixed salad...
    e.g. The mixed forest is cut commercially but is also carefully conserved to look good.

6. a mixed blessing -> see blessing

mixed 单语例句

1. They also sell a mixed box of cookies that is full of crunchy, buttery goodness.

2. Chad's army said it repulsed the assault which it said was made by a mixed force of Sudanese army troops and rebels.

3. The truck had burst into flames when its load of calcium carbide mixed with water in the ditch.

4. For urban children, the Internet can be seen as a mixed blessing.

5. The event was particularly touching when the prisoners sang Mother in the Candlelight, as their voices mixed with sounds of weeping.

6. The good news is that both groups can capitalize on this emerging premium pricing opportunity by building a mixed portfolio of products.

7. But I broke the wrapping carelessly and the two different kinds of soup mixed together making the flavour somewhat disappointing and also too oily.

8. Diced celery and carrot were mixed with creamy taro and the rolls were savory, especially with the sesame.

9. You can add carrot or cucumber ribbons for example, or a selection of mixed salad leaves.

10. The big winners at the previous weekend's truncated Golden Globes had mixed results cashing in on their prizes.

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